Meatless Monday: Black Bean Goulash
At Home with UAEX
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Meatless Monday: Black Bean Goulash
by Original Author: Kylie Harris, Searcy County | Adapted for Blog: Torrie Smith,
Van Buren County
Meatless Monday is taking you back to grandma’s kitchen. Goulash was a staple growing
up that my kids love now. This is a great meal that combines MyPlate into one big
bowl that takes less than 20 minutes to complete!
Choosing whole grain elbow noodles is a great way to get the fiber, vitamin and minerals needed for good health. Although refined grains are usually “enriched” after processing with some vitamins and minerals, the fiber a grain has when whole is not replaced. Everyone needs at least 3-8 oz of grains a day (depending on age, sex, and level of activity) and at least half of those should be whole.
Growing up Grandma’s goulash always just had whatever extra veggies were laying around. It can still be just as versatile! Whether they are fresh from the garden, canned, or frozen whatever vegetables you like can be put in this dish. MyPlate categorizes vegetables into five categories: dark-green vegetables, red & orange vegetables, beans & peas, starchy vegetables, and other vegetables. Everyone should get 1-3 cups of a variety of these vegetable groups daily (depending on age, sex, and level of activity). This meal is also an excellent way to hide those pesky veggies for our pickier eaters. Pro tip: chop the veggies into smaller bites to make the more “hidden”.
We know how glorious beans are for their versatility, nutrients, and budget-friendly cost. This meal is just another great example of how to use them! Any flavor can be used to replace the meat in this meal. A person needs between 2 and 6 ½ oz of protein each day (depending on age, sex, and level of activity).
For more information on daily nutrient recommendations and to learn more about MyPlate check out:
- 16 oz macaroni (whole grain)
- 1 can black beans (or any bean of choice), drained and rinsed
- 1 can corn, drain and rinsed
- 1 green beans, drained and rinsed
- 2 cans diced tomatoes (I prefer petite)
- 1 TBS Italian Seasoning
- 1 TBS dried chopped onion
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- Cheese for topping
In large pot bring water to boil, add elbow noodles. Cook about ten minutes or until done stirring occasionally.
Combine all canned vegetables in large pan with seasonings. Let simmer until noodles are cooked.
Combine noodles and vegetables. Mix well.
Top with shredded cheese and parsley. Enjoy!
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact
For more information, contact your local Family and Consumer Sciences Agent at your County Extension Office.