Immune System Boost
Kris Boulton
Phone: (501) 303-5672

University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
1605 Edison Ave.
Benton, AR 72015
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Immune System Boost
If you have watched the news in recent weeks or listened to the radio, you have likely heard that cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 are increasing in our community. In times like these, it is important to take steps towards boosting your immune system.
An immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs, and the substances they make that helps the body fight infections and other diseases. There is part of your immune system that you were born with, and the other part is a product of your environment and lifestyle.
As we age, our immune system becomes reduced, which in turn contributes to more sickness. To maintain your health through the COVID pandemic, or anytime sickness is going around in our communities, it is important to support your immune system through positive lifestyle habits and a nutritious diet. Here are three tips to improve your immune health are:
Tip 1 - Exercise regularly
Around thirty minutes of moderate intensity activity per day is suggested for adults. This may include walking, swimming, biking, dancing, and golf. Physical activity stimulates our white blood cells. These cells help our body detect and fight off infection. By remaining active, you allow your white blood cells to circulate quickly, thus helping them detect illness before it begins to affect how you feel.
Tip 2 - Get adequate sleep
Studies from the Mayo Clinic show that those who do not get enough sleep are more likely to become ill after being exposed to a virus. Eight hours per night is recommended for adults. To establish better sleep habits, try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. It may help to discontinue screen usage one hour prior to getting in bed, and not getting in bed until you intend to go to sleep.
Tip 3 - Reducing Stress
One way to reduce stress is address your feelings and take moments to practice mindfulness. You may have heard of mindfulness recently and wondered what it is or why it seems so popular right now. The main idea behind mindfulness is to take a few moments to reengage with your conscious awareness by focusing on the present moment without judgment or expectation. This is often encouraged through breathing exercises, meditation, or other forms of focused relaxation.
If you have questions about boosting your immune system or Mindfulness contact me or anyone of your County Extension offices across Arkansas.
To reduce your stress and boost your immune system