Beating Boredom
Kris Boulton
Phone: (501) 303-5672

University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
1605 Edison Ave.
Benton, AR 72015
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Beating Boredom
“I’m bored, there’s nothing to do!” Parents and grandparents are those the words you dread to hear this summer? Or just as troubling are the kids spending too much time in sedentary activities such as electronic pastimes-video games, texting, and social media?
Today I have some ideas to help beat boredom:
Plan family meals together and allow children to help shop and prepare one meal per week
For healthy nutritional guidelines, Studies have shown that children who are involved in meal planning and preparation are more likely to eat healthier foods. This is a great opportunity to teach comparison shopping, shopping on a budget, meal planning, reading labels, nutrition, and food preparation techniques.
To increase activity levels, do fun outdoor activities together
Activities such as bike riding, walking, hiking, and playing yard games such as badminton, kickball, and others. You can create your own fun family fitness activities.
Adopt a family community service project
Make sure to have the children involved in the planning and participation so they will have ownership of the project. It can be as simple as collecting items to help those less fortunate. Teach the financial concepts of spend, save, share. Helping others has been shown to increase personal happiness
More Family Friendly Boredom Busters