UACES Facebook Leadership Training Guides
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Leader Training Guides

The following Leader Training Guides were developed by the University of Arkansas, Cooperative Extension Service for use in program planning with the Arkansas Extension Homemakers Council. These educational lessons were developed by subject matter experts in their respective areas of concentration.

Educational lessons are used with Arkansas Extension Homemakers in their club setting with a goal of increasing awareness, increasing knowledge, enhancing skills, and practical application.  The goal is to improve quality of life. Generally, the lessons are taught by a leader within the club who received training on the topic.

Leader Training Guides from 2014-2018 are available on this website. Training guides from previous years are available on the Extension's T-Drive. For more information contact Melody Curtis,  

Each County Extension Homemakers Council plans monthly programs a year in advance on topics covering these two emphases. 

2018 New Leader Training Guide topics for 2018:

Effective Communication - Learn tips to effectively communicate with EHC members, friends, and family.  Improve relationships. Gain understanding. Improve meeting efficiency.

Communication Lesson Guide       Communication Handout      Communication Evaluation

Optional Communication Power Point

Grace Under Pressure- Do you have difficult people in your club and in your life? Learn ways to address difficult situations such as angry or nitpicky people as well as how to identify and address sexual harassment and ways to engage in self-care to manage stress.

Grace Under Pressure Leader Training Guide      Grace Under Pressure Handout      Grace Bingo Game

Optional Grace Under Pressure Power Point         AEHC Code of Ethics

Living in a Digital World. Tips, ettiquette, and best practices for using social media. Smart use of social media is an important personal, communication, and leadership skill. 

Living in a Digital World Leader Training Guide    Finding Your Digital Foodprint Activity    Digital Scenario

Optional Digital World Power Point      Digital World Evaluation

Aches and Pains: Finding Relief Using Non- Drug Method. Do you suffer from chronic pain? Learn ways to manage your aches and pains using research-proven strategies: deep breathing, guided relaxation, and easy yoga stretches. Find relief with these alternative methods recommended by the CDC.

Aches and Pains Lesson Guide       Handout 1      Handout 2      Handout 3      Handout 4

Prevent T2 is for YOU!- Learn how lifestyle changes to prevent Type 2 diabetes can be incorporated into everyday living.

Prevent T2 Lesson Guide     Recipe Makeover   Relaxation Exercise  

Prevent T2 Evaluation         

Credit Reports and Credit Scores: What They Are and Why They Matter.  Today’s financial products and statements can be complicated.  Learn why you should check your credit report regularly and how to interpret what you read in the report.  Discover ways to improve your credit score and find out how it is used by lenders, insurance companies, employers and more.

Credit What & WhyLesson Guide    Credit What & Why Optional Power Point

Credit What & Why Handout

Optional Handouts:   Managing Credit        Credit Repair         Credit Reports and Credit Scores

Clean and Green

Power Point          Leader Training Guide

Handout 1      Handout 2          Handout 3         Quiz

Volunteering in AEHC.   Why should you volunteer? How can it benefit you? Volunteering helps us mentally, physically, emotionally and gives us a sense of purpose. Finding your volunteering style will help you achieve a positive outcome from volunteering. Learn to recognize problems and find solutions for volunteering.

Optional Volunteering Power Point       Leader Training Guide- Volunteering    Avoiding Burnout  

Leadership Compass     Problems and Solutions    Problems and Solutions 2     Evaluation


Education Focus Areas for 2017-2019

Biennially, the leadership of the Arkansas Extension Homemakers selects a major and minor focus area for their program emphasis. The current Major Program emphasis is Disaster Preparedness. The Minor Program emphasis is Pre-diabetes. Counties may choose to focus on educational and community outreach programs on these topic areas.

Major Focus - Disaster Preparedness Resources

Emergency Preparedness Leader Training Guide Questionnaire  Preparedness Items Checklist Emergency Preparedness Power Point

Minor Focus - Pre-diabetes 

CDC Prediabetes Screening Test Healthy Habits to Prevent Diabetes Prediabetes Evaluation

Volunteer Leader Training Guides 2014-2018
