Dr. Amanda McWhirt
Fruit and Vegetable Crops, Horticulture Specialist
Phone: 501-671-2229
Dr. Aaron Cato
IPM for Horticulture Crops, Horticulture Specialist
Phone: 479-249-7352
NWA Specialty Crop Soil Health Program
Healthy soils promote efficient specialty crop production. Growers increasingly need tools to understand the status of soil health on their farms and how the health of their soils can be improved. This led to the development of the Northwest Arkansas (NWA) Specialty Crop Soil Health program. The goal of the program is to increase the productivity and profitability of specialty crop farms in four Arkansas counties (Benton, Washington, Carroll, and Madison) by educating and training growers on implementing specific management practices that have been shown to improve on-farm soil health. In addition, participating growers will be provided with free comprehensive soil health testing to determine what practices might increase soil health most effectively for their farms. The program is supported by a grant from the Walton Family Foundation.

2023 Soil Health Training Series
The 2023 Soil Health Training series will consist of four trainings throughout the year where participants will get the chance to see various demonstration practices that can be used to improve soil health. Topics range from cover crops, soil fertility, pollinator habitats, and irrigation management. There will also be opportunities to receive free books and handouts as well as a chance to win door prizes such as soil knives, cover crop seeds & MORE!
The final part in the series will be a fall farm tour in Northwest Arkansas hosted by Middle Fork Farm and Rivercrest Orchard. Attendees will learn more about their specialty crop production practices and effective soil management!

Time: 1:00-4:00 PM
Topics :
- Interpreting Your Soil Health
- Soil Sampling Basics
- Winter Cover Crop Demo
- High Tunnel Cover Crop Demo

Time: 3:00-6:00 PM
Topics :
- Managing Soil Health & Fertility with Compost, Manure, and Cover Crops
- Plant/Tray Inoculation Demo
- Cover Crop Planting Demo
- Winter Cover Crop Termination Demo
- Soil Pest Management

Time: 3:00-6:00 PM
Topics :
- Weed Management Strategies
- Summer Cover Crop Selection
- Irrigation Management & Water Conservation
- Pollinator Habitat Demo
- Biodegradable Mulches
- Tips to Reduce Tillage Demo

Time: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM
- Fall Farm Tour
- Farms: Middle Fork Farm & Rivercrest Orchard
- Specialty crop production practices
- Soil management
- & MORE
Check out highlights from our workshops below!
Part One (March 14, 2023):
Part Two (May 2, 2023):
Part Three (June 27, 2023):
Program Goals
- Develop an increased understanding of sustainable management strategies utilized by specialty crop growers
- Train specialty crop growers on implementing specific strategies to improve soil health
- Quantify soil health outcomes based on strategies utilized across NWA
Program Leads
Dr. Matt Bertucci
Asst. Professor-Sustainable Fruit & Vegetable Production
Participating Farm Collaborators
- Lab Analysis of Various Northwest Arkansas Compost Sources- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- Which Laboratory Method Do I Use for Horticulture Substrate Samples?- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- Example of Soil Health Report from NWA Specialty Crop Soil Health Program- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- Soil Testing Labs that Offer the Soil Health Nutrient Tool- United States Department of Agriculture
- FSA2156: Understanding Cover Crops- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- SARE Cover Crop Training Videos- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- Cover Crop Chart- USDA Agricultural Research Service
- A decision aid to help select and manage cover crops with information for 70 cover crop species that may be planted individually or in mixtures.
- Managing Cover Crops Profitably- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- 10 Ways Cover Crops Enhance Soil Health- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Soil Management Using Cover Crops in Organically Managed High Tunnels- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Cover Crop Economics- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Biodegradable Mulch Trial Report Blog Post- University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
- FSA2202: Understanding Soil Health- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Building Soils for Better Crops- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- Manage Weeds on Your Farm- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
- CCD-FS-24: Soil Salinity in High Tunnel Production- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)