Cover Crops-Training for Arkansas Producers
The cover crop vegetable production in-service training provides agents with the tools
necessary to teach the public more about cover crops. The training includes a wide
variety of topics ranging from why we use cover crops, how to select and manage, and
implementing into different vegetable systems. The training materials below can be used to train growers and the public on the basics
of cover crops. Training materials include: powerpoint presentations, videos and fact sheets.
Special thank you to the Southern SARE Professional Development Program Grant for
funding this training.
Getting Started with Cover Crops
The following presentations provide a basic overview of cover crops and how to make
the best decisions for your situation. These include selecting a cover crop, establishment,
and termination. Each presentation is provided in the following formats: PDF and PowerPoint (coming
soon: a pre-recorded presentation on YouTube).
Benefits of Cover Crops
The following presentations further discuss the benefits of cover crops, such as providing
nitrogen credits and pest management, and how to best utilize these benefits. Each presentation is provided in the following formats: PDF and PowerPoint (coming
soon: a pre-recorded presentation on YouTube).
Application of Cover Crops
The following presentations guide you through the process of incorporating cover crops
into a vegetable cropping system as well as providing examples from research conducted
in Arkansas and the Southeastern U.S. Each presentation is provided in the following formats: PDF and PowerPoint (coming
soon: a pre-recorded presentation on YouTube).
Cover Crops in Vegetable Systems, Part I: PDF,PowerPoint, Recording
Cover Crops in Vegetable Systems, Part II: PDF, PowerPoint, Recording
Additional Resources

Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd ed.
"In this tool chest you will find helpful maps and charts, detailed narratives about
individual cover crop species, chapters about specific aspects of cover cropping and extensive appendices that will lead you to even more information."
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

Building Soils for Better Crops, 4th ed.
"A practical guide to ecological soil management that provides background information as well as details of soil-improving practices."
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

FSA 2156: Understanding Cover Crops
This fachsheet provides a basic overview of cover crops that are commonly grown in
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations
"An introduction to many of the benefits of growing cover crops. This bulletin is
a companion to SARE’s Cover Crop Topic Room, an online collection of select, mostly SARE-based resources on cover crops." (Find link under Related Links)
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A Planning Manual
“The purpose of this book is to help growers and farm advisors understand the management
of crop rotations; avoid crop rotation problems; and use crop rotation to build better soil, control
pests, and develop profitable farms that support satisfied families.”
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
Cover Crop Chart (v. 3.0)
"Designed to assist producers with decisions on the use of cover crops in crop and
forage production systems. Information on growth cycle, relative water use, plant
architecture, seeding depth, forage quality, pollination characteristics, and nutrient
cycling are included for most crop species."
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Interview with Adam Chappell of Chappell Farm in Cotton Plant, AR
Introduction to Cover Crops Video Series