UACES Facebook Drought effects in pastures | Arkansas drought resources for producers
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Drought Resources for Pastures

Dried pasture, yellowed and browned from drought stress in Arkansas 2022
DRIED OUT — Desiccated pasture near Lynn, Arkansas, in Lawrence County. Taken July 13, 2022. (U of A System Division of Agriculture image by Bryce Baldridge)

Maintaining healthy pastures is no easy feat when nature has the taps closed. Alternative forages and grazing management are just two of the tactics ranchers can use to keep their herds.

Forage Resources

Forage Options for Fall and Winter Grazing    – Many producers have experienced poor hay yields in 2022 and other years where dry conditions prevailed. Conversations eventually turn to options for more hay or to reduce the hay requirement in the winter. Based on University of Arkansas research, produers can consider other options for fall and winter forage that can stretch short hay crops. 

What is the difference between Prussic Acid and Nitrate Toxicity in forage?    – Stretches of hot, dry weather in Arkansas are very concerning for pastures. Find key points about the differences between prussic acid and nitrate.

Drought Management and Recovery Tips for Forages    – For much of Arkansas in drought conditions, pastures are being grazed short and producers are about to start feeding hay. In those cases, management strategies must focus on pasture recovery after drought. Here are key points regarding forage management during drought and for drought recovery.

300 Days of Grazing

300 days of grazing | cover of publication

One highly successful program to add drought resiliency to a ranching operation is the 300 Days of Grazing initiative. Find more information on Arkansas grazing management.
