UACES Facebook Surveys
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A survey is an evaluation tool for collection of quantitative and/or qualitative information through a series of questions to individuals or groups of individuals.  Surveys can also be conducted through the use of personal observation, aerial maps, documents, and diagrams, etc.

Surveys can be administered in a number of ways, including:

    1. Mail survey
    2. Phone survey
    3. Online survey
    4. Group survey
    5. Individual interviews
    6. Observation/Content analysis (maps, groups, photos, etc.)

 Surveys are often used in evaluation practice.  The advantage of surveys is their relatively low cost and immediate feedback. 

The limitations of surveys includes the potential for poor question and survey design, self-report bias by participants, and limited response rates.

A credible survey requires thoughtful preparation to ensure the reliability and credibility of the data. 

Explore these key survey planning resources so that the results don't fall short of your expectations.

Survey Publications and Resources

Survey Methodology and Procedures:

IFAS Survey Savvy Series

UF IFAS Survey Savvy Series covers all aspects of utilizing surveys in Extension programming. The Tailored Design Survey Methodology will serve as the basis for a series of survey-based EDIS publications entitled: Savvy Survey Series. Seventeen publications make up this series with items chosen as a result of state specialist expertise.


Survey Design:


Response Rate:
