Reporting Your Impact: Telling Your Story
How does your work make an impact in the community? How you tell your story—whether
through reports, documents, social media, interpretative events, or conversations—communicates
how the work of Extension influences the people across the state.
Stakeholders want to understand how investments in Division of Agriculture research
and educational programs are strengthening Arkansas communities.
Part of the program evaluation process is reporting of our efforts and our impacts.
The following resources help you navigate the reporting process for Arkansas Extension.
Here are some tools to help you craft your own impact story.
Back to Program Evaluation Roadmap

State Level Impact Resources:
County Impact Resources:
County Impact Webform Template:
Impact Report Examples:
Learn More About Impact Reporting
Other resources we think may help you:
External Resources
Want to stay informed about the latest "best practices" in program evaluation for
Extension across the country?
Check out these resource treasure chests.
The Journal of Extension (JOE) is the official refereed journal of the U.S. Cooperative
Extension System. It seeks to expand and update the research and knowledge base for
Extension professionals and other adult educators to improve their effectiveness.
JOE is an electronic journal, available only on the Internet.