UACES Facebook Arkansas Row Crop Research Verification Reports | On-Farm Field Trials
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Arkansas Row Crop Verification

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The Arkansas Row Crop Verification Program is funded by the different Arkansas Promotion Boards.

History of the Program

In the 1980s, crop yields were declining, prices were low, and production costs were high.  Producers requested that the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture field-test existing technologies to determine the profitability of production. The Arkansas Row Crop Research Verification Program was born. The program began in 1980 with cotton.

The Arkansas Row Crop Verification Program is an interdisciplinary effort among growers, county Extension agents, Extension specialists, and Division of Agriculture researchers. It is an on-farm demonstration of all the research-based practices and technologies recommended to maximize the production and profitability of row crops in Arkansas.

Verification Program Goals

The overall goal is to verify that management according to Division of Agriculture recommendations can result in increased profitability compared to standard producer practices.  Some other goals of the program are to establish an economic database, demonstrate that high yields can be constantly achieved economically, promote timeliness in management decisions and provide training and assistance to new county agents. Rice and soybean verification programs began in 1983, followed by wheat verification in 1986 and corn and grain sorghum in 2000. 


River Valley Verification field County Agents and Producers.

Corn Research Verification Program


Lincoln RRVP Field
2016 Lincoln County RRVP field ready for harvest.

Rice Research Verification Program

2021 Arkansas RRVP Final Report

Click here for past Annual Reports and Updates

See past field-specific information by clicking the links above.


Soybeans Blooming
Soybeans blooming

Soybean Research Verification Program

2020 Arkansas SRVP Annual Report

2021 Arkansas SRVP Annual Report

Click here for past Annual Reports and Updates

7/12/2024 SRVP Weekly Report


White County Grain Sorghum

Grain Sorghum Verification in White County. 

Grain Sorghum Research Verification Program


Download 2023 Report

The 2023 University of Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Research Verification Program Annual Report is now available.


Wheat Ready to Harvest
 Wheat Ready to Harvest 

Wheat Research Verification Program

2023 WRVP Annual Report

Season Report 2023



Collecting plants for boll counts in a 2020 Cotton Verification field

Collecting plants for boll counts in a 2020 Cotton verification field.



Cotton Research Verification/Sustainability Program

2021 CRVSP Weekly Updates

2020 Arkansas CRVP Annual Report

Click here for past Annual Reports and Updates 



The Arkansas Row Crop Verification Coordinators


Charles Capps

Charles Capps

Corn and Grain Sorghum


Ralph Mazzanti

South Counties

Chad Norton

Soybeans & Wheat 
South Counties
Chris Elkins - Soybean & Wheat

Chris Elkins

Soybeans & Wheat
North Counties


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