You can find me on Facebook:Torrie's Top Tips with Torrie Smith, on Instagram: Torrie's Top Tips or on Pinterest: Torrie's Top Tips. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at tsmith@uada.edu. I’d love to hear from you!
Five Tips for Keeping New Year's Resolution
Setting New Year's resolutions are a tradition that most people give up on after a
short time. This year let's join together to not be quitters. Read my top tips for
sticking to your resolutions.
It’s the first week of a new year which brings a breath of renewed hope and a time that we evaluate our lives and consider changes that will bring us health, wealth, and happiness as we set our sights on accomplishing new resolutions. Nothing is as exciting after the new wears off and can cause us to not follow through with our resolutions after working towards them for a couple of weeks.
In honor of the new year, I, myself, have made some resolutions. My first resolution is to follow through with the rest of my resolutions. Won’t you join me? Here are the tips I am going to follow to try to continue a path of improvement. I hope they will help you as much as I hope they help me.
Start by making small changes to your lifestyle towards your goal. The great saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” applies when trying to accomplish your resolutions. Making one change a week is common advice but instead try to make each change a habit and then change something else. Make short term goals to accomplish that will manifest into reaching your yearlong goal.
Write down your resolutions. Hang the resolutions on your fridge or put them somewhere that you will see them each day to remind you what you are working on. Another thing that will help reach your goal, have pictures of your goal visible. Whether it is saving money for a vacation or becoming healthier, reminding yourself of the why will motivate you to stay on track.
Have an accountability partner. Whether it’s a spouse, friend, or possibly an online group, find someone with a common goal that will keep you accountable for reaching your goals.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just because you mess up one time, doesn’t mean you should quit striving towards your goal. You don’t need to wait until the beginning of a new year, new month, or new week to start working on bettering yourself. Begin right now, where you are, in this moment.
Follow accounts that are going to motivate you. Social media has a major impact on our daily lives. This impact does not have to be negative. They are many great social media accounts that can provide us with information and educate us. The great news is Extension has many accounts to follow. If you are trying to save money, follow Dr. Laura Hendrix on Facebook at UAEXMoney. Want to be a better parent? Follow UAEX Family Life on Facebook. Want to become healthier? There are many accounts to follow for that but here are some of my favorites: Living Well on the Prairie – Shea Wilson (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest), At Home with UAEX (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter), and of course my own page, Torrie’s Top Tips with Torrie Smith (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest).
2020 was a rough year for most of us and we are all excited to say goodbye to it. For once in my life, I am excited to take part in setting resolutions. Mine are following through with my resolutions, eating healthier, saving money, and being more involved with my blog and readers. Some people choose to pick a word to live by for the year, this year my word is consistent. Being consistent will help me to reach my goals. What are your resolutions? Do you have a word to live by? Share with me!
You can find me on Facebook:Torrie's Top Tips with Torrie Smith, on Instagram: Torrie's Top Tips or on Pinterest: Torrie's Top Tips. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at tsmith@uada.edu. I’d love to hear from you!