5 Tips for a Safe and Happy Fourth of July
5 tips for a safe and happy Fourth of July!
Independence day is a time to celebrate America, freedom, and to spend time with family. It can also be a time for dangers to be lurking in the mist of all the fun.
From food to fireworks, there are many things to be cautious about this Fourth.
1. Keep cold foods cold!
One of my favorite things to eat on Independence Day is my mom’s crab potato salad.
I am sure there are things similar to potato salad that you enjoy having at your outdoor
barbeque as well. But the best way to be food safe this holiday is by keeping foods
that should be cold, like potato salad, cold.
Cold foods should be kept at 39°F or below. Anything above this would put the food in the temperature danger zone, 40°F - 140°F, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. You can keep cold foods on trays on ice or use a cooler.
2. Keep hot foods hot!
Foods that should be hot, like hamburgers and hot dogs, should be kept at a temperature
above 140°F, otherwise they are in the temperature danger zone that bacteria thrive
best in.
You can use your slow cooker or warming plates, to keep the hot food hot on your buffet table. Never keep hot foods at room temperature for longer than 2 hours.
Under no circumstance is it safe to reheat the food in hopes of killing food borne pathogens in food that has been in the temperature danger zone for longer than 2 hours.
Keep your family safe this Fourth by keeping foods that need to be hot, hot.
3. Wash your fruit!
My favorite summer time treat is watermelon. It’s juicy, sweet, and so refreshing in these hot Arkansas summers.
Most people wouldn’t think that watermelons should be cleaned before cutting, but even watermelons and other melons need to be washed with water before cutting.
Think about it: Where do watermelons grow? On top of dirt. How are watermelons handled? By someone’s hands, that may or may not be cleaned. How are watermelons prepared? Watermelons are cut with a knife that touches the outside rind, that has been touching dirt and has been handled by someone with unclean hands, and touches the inside pink flesh you like to eat. If you don’t wash off your fruit, it will become contaminated with all the different things it has come in contact with.
To serve watermelon, cut into wedges or cut the flesh from the rind and cube into 1-inch cubes. Place the cubes in a covered container and store in the refrigerator. Cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.
Try these red, white, and blue watermelon sundaes!
4 cups watermelon balls
2 cups fresh blueberries
Whipped topping
Red, white and blue star sprinkles
- Gently mix the watermelon and blueberries.
- Divide among 4 sundae bowls.
- Top each with a dollop of whipped topping.
- Sprinkle with red, white and blue sprinkles.
- Serve immediately. Yield: 4 servings
4. Be careful with fireworks!
Fireworks are a Fourth of July staple. We all like to ooh and ahh over fireworks and some of us enjoy shooting off the fireworks ourselves. It may seem like common sense but be cautious when shooting off fireworks.
NEVER let young children handle fireworks.
Observe older children carefully when they are handling fireworks. Sparklers alone make up 25% of firework injuries every year. Always keep water on hand to put out fireworks that may not have gone off completely.
For more firework safety tips, visit the National Safety Councils Firework Safety article.
5. Don’t forget those that gave us our freedom!
It's important to show gratitude to the countless individuals that have sacrificed for our freedom. Be sure to thank veterans, military, police, fire fighters, first responders, and their families this Independence Day.
Thank you, to everyone who serves for this country! We can never thank you enough!
For more outdoor food safety information, visit the US Food & Drug Administration’s webpage.