Lisa Davis
Program Associate-Leadership
Phone: 501-519-5472
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
LeadAR Class 19 Member Spotlight: Brittany Schmidt

Let’s meet another member of LeadAR Class 19 — Brittany Schmidt.
Brittany Schmidt is the county executive director of the Lawrence County Farm Service Agency and a rice farmer in northeast Arkansas. She is the president of the Lawrence County School District School Board and the advisor of the Junior Auxiliary of Lawrence County Crown Club. She enjoys being on the farm, any activity her daughter is participating in, and Arkansas Razorbacks football, basketball, and baseball.
We asked her to respond to the following questions.
How can effective leadership help move the state of Arkansas forward?
Effective leadership can always move anything forward, not just a state or city. Currently with the health crisis we are experiencing due to COVID our state is in a critical position not only health wise, but financially. There are never easy solutions, but our leaders must work together so that life and economic loss is as minimal as possible.
Why did you apply to the LeadAR program? What motivated you?
After talking with friends who were in the last class about what a great experience they had and wanting to learn practices that I could bring back to my community to help.
What leadership quality do you admire most in others? Why?
Patience, because I do not have that quality.
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? Why is this surprising?
That I cannot shoot a gun. It is surprising because I was raised on the farm; my dad is an avid hunter. I was an athlete, somewhat a tomboy growing up, and would even go hunting, but just never learned how to shoot.
What are your top three ingredients necessary for success?
Determination, confidence and communication
What are your top three ingredients necessary for happiness?
Health, family, peace of mind
Describe your personal leadership style.
I would say it would be more a contingency theory, in that I adapt to my style based on the situation and personality types involved. I often think of leadership much like coaching. A successful coach knows how to pull the strengths out of each player my using the correct approach with each individual, even if it is different from person to person.
What is something you hope to gain from your LeadAR experience?
I hope to gain knowledge and practices that I can bring back to community to help better it.
You are stranded on a desert island. What are your three MUST HAVE items?
My daughter, my phone, Wi-Fi
What is something that was difficult for you six months ago but easy for you now?
Finding time for myself during the day. I began several months back taking an hour a day to exercise and just unplug while doing so.
What else do you want others to know about you?
That I am unconditionally loyal.