Enlist Herbicide Update: Good News from a Weed Scientist for a Change!
Enlist Herbicide Update: Good News from a Weed Scientist for a Change!
By: Tommy Butts, Tom Barber, Jason Norsworthy, and Jeremy Ross

You may have seen information regarding the ban of Enlist herbicides in 2022 for multiple counties within western Arkansas, as well as many other counties across the country. (For those who didn’t see the original post, you can find previously released details in our Enlist One and Enlist Duo Re-Registration: What Do We Need to Know? blog post.)
This week (released on March 29, 2022), the US EPA approved Enlist product label amendments for 2022 allowing for the use of Enlist herbicides in 134 of the previously prohibited counties across the country. This includes approval for use in all of the 11 previously prohibited counties in Arkansas. Therefore, effective immediately, Enlist One and Enlist Duo are approved for over-the-top use in Enlist corn, cotton, and soybean in all counties within Arkansas.
This is excellent news for growers utilizing the Enlist cropping system in Arkansas. As always, please make sure to follow all Enlist herbicide label requirements to reduce spray drift and runoff potential. For weed control recommendations in the Enlist cropping system, you can find the MP44 resources available online, or download the complete MP44 Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control publication. For more details on the latest Enlist herbicide label amendments issued by the US EPA, please visit the US EPA website.
As always, good luck out there, and please let us know if we can help in any way!