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Wave Petunia

(April 2006)

QuestionI would like to plant some pink and purple annual flowers in some containers on my deck. The containers are quite large and the area gets almost no shade the entire afternoon. What are some good plant combinations that will allow me to have non-stop color all summer?


AnswerWhen we design container gardens it is always best to have three different forms in the pot - something with some height, something filling, and something cascading. For your taller plant, consider one of the beautiful pink mandevillas. It does need some support, but it will grow quite tall and bloom non-stop all summer long. A nice fill plant could be pink or purple pentas and the cascading flower could be trailing verbena or wave petunia - in pink or purple. For some contrast, add some asparagus ferns, dusty miller or Artemisia. Regular watering and fertilization and you should be good to go all summer long.


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