(August 2010)
This year I bought quite a few plumbago plants and planted them in pots with other
various annuals. The plumbago have outlasted all the rest. Is there any way I can
over-winter them under the house or in the garage like sometimes works with geraniums?
I am assuming you are referring to the light blue flowered plant Plumbago auriculata. It usually does overwinter in the ground in central Arkansas, however it does freeze
to the ground. It comes back fine for me, but usually doesn't start blooming until
late summer. It has great blue flowers. Another plant commonly called Plumbago
is Ceratostigma plumbaginoides with much darker blue flowers which is hardy statewide. For your plumbago, do one
of two things--either plant it in the ground and mulch for the winter, or move the
pot into the garage after a killing frost for winter protection.
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