Getting Started with Financial Goals
Goals have a direct effect on how you spend your income. People who set goals are
often more successful in achieving their dreams than people who don't plan ahead.
Goal setters know where they are going and have a plan for how to get there.
Financial goal setting tips
Net Worth and Income
Identify your assets and liabilities. Use your net worth statement to track financial
well-being.. Create an income statement sets a parameter for your spending plan. Use
the free worksheet to create your individual net worth statement.
Determine your net worth.
Creating Your Plan
Matches your income with your expenses and financial goals. We make spending choices
every day – with or without a plan. The best way to meet financial goals and avoid
ending up with "more month than money" is to have a plan. Planning is power.
Be powerful with a spending plan!
Financial Recordkeeping
Good recordkeeping is an important financial management skill. It helps you avoid
financial mistakes, saves time, reduces stress, and increases peace of mind. Discover
easy ways to keep your financial records in order.
Keep financial records in order.