UACES Facebook Extension Homemakers Agent Information
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Arkansas Extension Homemakers Agent Resources

FCS Agent Information

Help in Starting a New AEHC Club

Steps in Organizing an Extension Homemakers Club

    • Organizing a new Extension Homemakers Club

      Easy steps to help the FCS Agent, County Council President or qualified Club President to see if there is enough interest to start a new club in their county.

Organizational Meeting for New Extension Homemakers Club

    • Outline of the first organizational meeting

      Things to do to get ready and conduct the first meeting for a new club. Meeting should be conducted and headed by the FCS Agent and assisted by the County Council President. 

Support Provided by the FCS Agent to New Clubs

    • Support provided by the FCS Agent to get new clubs up and running on their own.

      Outline of functions and duties the FCS Agent will do to support the new club, i.e. training and helping with educational programs.

Example of an EHC Officer/Leader Workshop

    • Officer and leader training should follow immediately after elections.

      Outline of a typical officer/leader workshop to be conducted by the County FCS Agent, County Council Officers, and in some cases the State Officers/leaders. State-wide officer/leadership training will be conducted every even-year at the 4-H Center in Ferndale, AR. All members are encouraged to attend the one-day workshop.

How To Be A Good EH Club President

    • Handout to give to new EHC Presidents

      Outline for FCS Agents to hand out to new EHC Presidents to following during their tenure as president of their clubs.

EHC Forms

Event Insurance

    • FCS County Agents are responsible for insurance for out of county trips not covered by AEHC

      AEHE provides insurance coverage for members of the Executive Committee, Council committee members and EHC members who participate in official business and meetings of the organization. Click above the learn when FCS Agent is responsible for securing insurance.



