Arkansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Phone: 501-671-2390
Email: APEX Accelerator@uada.edu
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Arkansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center Success Story: Level 5 Architecture
Level 5 Architecture is an architectural firm located in Springdale specializing in
vertical construction including municipal projects and commercial/restaurant projects.
With Arkansas APEX Accelerator being part of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture's Community, Professional and Economic Development unit, we were proud to hear of their mission to assist small towns by helping secure funding for development and then working on those projects with the communities. Level 5 employs three full-time individuals and a summer intern who will eventually become a full-time employee.
Project Coordinator Melissa Dysart is responsible for handling the firm’s Request for Proposals (RFPs). With assistance from designated APEX Accelerator counselor Max Franks, Dysart recently submitted the firm’s first bid for a government contract. Notification came in May 2021 of the good news that Level 5 was selected for placement on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Southern Research Station (SRS) Short Selection Database for Region 8.
The Forest Service will use the Short Selection Database to award Architecture-Engineer (A & E) contracts, below $250,000, in all states within the USDA Forest Service (SRS) Region 8. An example of the type of work that could be included when awarded would be design of small warehouses and offices.
Level 5 was initially started in Mansfield, Texas. Upon the opening of the new Arkansas location in 2019, Level 5 learned of the services offered by APEX Accelerator through Startup Junkie and the Springdale Chamber of Commerce and have been clients since that time.
Dysart mentioned that Franks has never said no to anything that she has asked of him. The business is in a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone). Max assisted with their HuBZone certification, Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), warned them of scam emails, explained the Short Selection Database process, informed them of trainings for Arkansas contractor’s license, reviewed their bid packet, and offered guidance on marketing specifically to federal agencies.
“We are beyond excited about our potential growth in the Arkansas and surrounding markets. The local APEX Accelerator has been so instrumental in helping us through this successful growth plan. Without them, we would not have been able to navigate the process involved with securing the contract at all,” Dysart said.
The future is bright for Level 5 Architecture. We congratulate Level 5 on submitting its first proposal for a government contract and being included in the SRS Shortlist pool of Architect and Engineering firms. While the SRS Shortlist is not a contract and does not guarantee any contractual business, it does increase chances of future awards.
To learn more about the Arkansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center and the many ways mentioned in this article that our counselors can help secure government contracts, connect with us by calling 501-671-2390.