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Find Extension Offices Across the United States

Extension services are available across the country to help strengthen farms and families by connecting the public with non-biased research based recommendations.

What does the Arkansas Extension Service do?

Our county agents take the researched recommendations from our specialists and give you practical advice to improve your life. Our mission is to strengthen agriculture, communities, and families by connecting trusted research to the adoption of best practices.  

We make the research work for YOU.

You will find us among Arkansas' 33 million acres of crops, livestock and natural resources. You will find us in conference centers and public schools, community centers and courthouses, in the classroom and in the lab. That is why "Arkansas is Our Campus."

We are in YOUR county.

With a physical office in every one of the 75 Arkansas counties, the people of the Arkansas Extension Service are reaching out to you. We want to help. So let's get connected. Find your county extension office, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, share your photos with us on Instagram and check out our videos on YouTube.
