UACES Facebook ESP-Membership Eligibility
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ESP Chapter Logo for Arkansas

Membership Eligibility

Members of ESP are those who serve in the Cooperative Extension System of the Land Grant Colleges and the United State Department of Agriculture.

Annual dues for new, current, and past members are $110.00. This amount is split between the national and local dues. New Life Member Dues are $275 (paid once at the time of retirement). Dues can be paid by check, Credit Union account transfer or departmental in-directs. ESP members from other states can transfer their membership to Alpha Iota Chapter.

In the Alpha Iota Chapter, membership is divided into three classes: Member, Life, and Honorary. Members are Extension professionals or retired employees of the Cooperative Extension System who are current in their payment of dues. Persons retired from the Cooperative Extension Service may continue to participate in the activities of the Alpha Iota Chapter.

Life members of National Epsilon Sigma Phi are those who have paid a life membership fee after retirement. Life members will not be required to pay annual Chapter dues.

Honorary members are those who have performed some meritorious service in the interest of the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service

For membership information, contact your local chapter or the National Office.
