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Snowball Bush

May 20, 2017


I have some questions about a snowball bush.  Where on the snowball bush should a limb be removed?  How long should the limb be?  What does the burial process of the limb consist of? 



Snowball bush, Viburnum opulus blooms in the spring.  Depending on which variety you are growing they can be up to 10-12 feet tall or a dwarf one is 2-3 feet tall.  They typically have multiple branches, and can be thinned or cut back to your desired height.  I am assuming by burial process you mean layering a branch for propagation.  Don’t cut that limb—instead take one of the lower growing tender branches and lay it down in the ground. Mound some soil over a portion of it and it should root while attached to the mother plant.  Once rooted, it can be transplanted. 


April 1, 2017


My husband buried a limb from our large snowball bush to get some cuttings to give to friends.  When is the best time to transplant these?



Our weather has been nothing but erratic this year, so why not wait another week or two and then move them.  Make sure they get planted quickly after you dig them up and keep them mulched and watered all season  



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