Cooperative Extension News & Publications
Johnson County, Arkansas
Welcome to our News a d Publications page! Below you will find local newsletters, news stories, and/or links to other relevant publications. Please contact our county Extension office for additional information.

Johnson County Master Gardener Program
The Master Gardener volunteer program provides an opportunity for individuals interested in gardening to learn and serve their communities. In Johnson County, Master Gardeners volunteer on public garden projects ranging from a wildflower demonstration garden at Pinnacle Mountain State Park, to a community vegetable garden and the public Library in Johnson County. Interested in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer in Johnson County? Contact Blair Griffin, CEA-Staff Chair at the Johnson County Office.
Photo: Community pantry Garden in Johnson County 2016.

Extension Homemakers
This is a newsletter focusing on EH activities, family issues, nutrition and health. This is a free publication available to all Johnson County residents.
- EH Newsletters
- April 2016 newsletter
Photo: AECH Logo

Beef & Forage
The Beef & Forage newsletter is sent to producers and people with an interest in the beef cattle industry. This newsletter includes researched based information regarding livestock and forage production in Arkansas. Also, receive information on upcoming programs related to beef and forages. This is a free publication available to all Johnson County residents.
- Beef & Forage Newsletters
- Junes 2016
Photo: Beef cattle

The 4-H Newsletter focuses on upcoming activities and events. From contest to workshops to camps the many opportunities 4-H offers to youth and adult volunteers can be found in this newsletter. This is a free publication available to all Johnson County residents.
- 4-H Newsletters
- May/June 4-H Newsletter 2016
Photo: 4-H Clover