July 2021
Arkansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Phone: 501-671-2390
Email: APEX Accelerator@uada.edu
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Arkansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center Success Story: Bami Technologies, LLC
Headquartered in Little Rock, Bami Technologies, LLC is a minority-owned business
specializing in electrical integration solutions.
The business has been an Arkansas APEX Accelerator client since its inception in 2018. Owner Imhotep Temfack became aware of the services offered by APEX Accelerator while he was a student attending University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
In the three years it's been in existence, Bami Technologies has received several small-scale government contracts with clients including the the General Service Administration (GSA) in Helena, the Defense Information System Agency in Columbus, Ohio, the Department of Interior in Amarillo, Texas, and the U.S. Air Force in Boston.
Through persistence and assistance from its APEX Accelerator Counselor Debra Garcia, Bami Technologies recently became 8(a) Certified. To help provide a level playing field for small businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged people or entities, the government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that participate in the 8(a) Business Development program. Each year the federal government is required to award 5% of its annual spending on goods and services to 8(a) Certified businesses.
“During the 8(a) process, Debra kept us on track by telling us where to go and who to talk to. She also was helpful in pointing us in the correct direction for GSA scheduling as well as informing us of training opportunities,” Temfack said.
Although government contracting has been a daunting task, Temfack said he plans to continue pursuing larger contracts with their next step being to get into the All Small Mentor-Protégé program provided by Small Business Administration where they will have the opportunity to work with an experienced government contractor. He plans to work with Garcia to achieve this opportunity.
We congratulate Bami Technologies on their 8(a) certification and our staff is looking forward to working with them regarding the mentor protégé program.
To learn more about the Arkansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center and the many ways mentioned in this article that our counselors can help secure government contracts, connect with us by calling 501-671-2390.