Clear and specific advice on how to maintain specific turfgrass species on a month-to-month basis - mowing, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control.
Arkansas is uniquely situated in what is called the ‘transition zone’ so both warm-season turfgrass (bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustine) and cool-season turfgrass (bluegrass, tall fescue, ryegrass) can be grown.
The goal of the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture turfgrass program is to provide education and research-based information to homeowners in Arkansas to help them make best management decisions when maintaining their lawns.
Clear and specific advice on how to maintain specific turfgrass species on a month-to-month basis - mowing, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control.
These clearly written fact sheets will help the homeowner to establish a lawn from
seed or sod.
These fact sheets will help the homeowner to maintain their lawn using research-based
Many different herbicides and combinations that will successfully control weeds in