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Best Care Connected Online Childcare Training 

Best Care Connected is an online professional development course that provides five hours of verified training through the Professional Development Registry (PDR). The online course format includes interactive elements and audio recording. Each lesson will equal 1 hour of PDR verified credit.


Our NEW 2024 BCC professional development topics are: 

  • Music in the Preschool Classroom
  • Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Infants & Toddlers 
  • Trauma Informed Care for Preschoolers
  • Technology in the Preschool Classroom
  • Emotional Intelligence


Course Requirements

  • Pass Introduction Quiz (80% or above).
  • Complete the registration form.
  • Pass each lesson quiz (80% or above).
  • Complete each lesson evaluation.
  • Print or save each lesson certificate.

*If you do not complete all of the requirements, you WILL NOT receive credit.

The hours that you have completed will be reported to the PDR for credit. We ask that you allow 30 to 45 days for credit to show on PDR.

Continuing Education Units (CEU's) are available for a $10 fee upon completion of the course. You can receive 0.1 CEUs for each lesson/hour that you complete. There is a section in the course on how to receive them.

For Course Reminders and Frequently Asked Questions Click Here

How to Enroll:

  1. To access the course, go to or click here for a step-by-step graphic.
  2. When you are ready to get started, log in or create an account.
  3. Once you log in, please “click” on the Best Care Connected link under the course category titled Online Child Care Courses.
  4. You are now on the Best Care Connected course home page. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and select the "Best Care Connected 2021-2022" link to enroll.
  5. Please be sure to complete the registration form, pass the quiz with an 80% or above, and complete the evaluation form under each lesson.
  6. Once you have completed the course, you will need to print or save as a pdf the completion certificate.


Best Care Connected 2024 Lesson Topics Music in Preschool Classrooms, Developmnetally Appropriate practice for infants and toddlers, Trauma informed care for preschoolers, technology in the preschool classroom, emotional intelligence


