UACES Facebook C.E.S.P. 11-9: Mailing List Revision
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System Management - Distribution

C.E.S.P. 11-9: Mailing List Revision

Date Revised: 9-29-2003
Supersedes: 4-24-2001

Summary: Establishes policy concerning maintenance and revision of mailing lists.

Mailing lists in county Extension offices must be revised on or before February 15 of each year.

Mailing lists in Extension offices are of four principal types: general, subject matter, group membership and organization officers and/or leaders.

General Lists: General lists are used for disseminating information of a "public notice" nature. Persons on these lists may be interested in a broad subject matter area or in matters of general concern. For example, a county Extension agent might send a letter to all rice producers in the county announcing an Extension-sponsored training meeting. It would not be necessary that these producers had requested that their names be placed on the rice subject matter list.

Although it is not required that a request be obtained from an individual to be placed on a general mailing list, the list should be updated by making corrections when undeliverable envelopes are returned and by a general review of the list at least once a year.

General mailing lists may not be used for the distribution of leaflets or circulars.

Subject-Matter Lists: Subject-matter lists in county Extension offices or maintained by specialists are comprised of special interest groups (i.e., rice growers, dairymen. etc.) who have requested information on specific subjects. The county Extension office must maintain a record that each individual desires that his name be included on a subject matter list. This record may consist of written requests or notations of verbal requests.

Each person on a subject matter list must be notified once each year that unless a request is received for his name to remain on the list, his name will be dropped. Special postal cards for this purpose are available from the state office.

Requests dated on or after September 1 may be considered valid through the following year. For example, requests dated September, 2003, are valid to February, 2005.

Group Membership Lists: Group membership lists include members of 4-H and Extension Homemakers Clubs and enrollees in Extension Short Courses. Enrollment in these organized groups is sufficient indication of interest in receiving specific subject matter material. However, when a short course ends or a person withdraws from a club, the name must be dropped from the list unless the individual specifically requests otherwise.

The secretary of a group or club may prepare a list of those members deciding to receive certain types of information and submit the list to the county Extension office.

Lists of Organization Officers and/or Leaders: Acceptance of a leadership position in an organization is sufficient indication of interest in receiving related materials. A name should be removed from the list when a person ceases to function in a leadership position.
