UACES Facebook Know the Flow Impact in Northwest Arkansas
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Northwest Arkansas Stormwater Program 2022 Impact

Seventeen NWA cities, Benton and Washington Counties, and the U of A- Fayetteville partnered with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service and the NWA Regional Planning Commission on a proven and cost-effective way to meet EPA Phase 2 Stormwater Management Permit requirements.

Annual Program Emphasis

In 2022, the 5-yr National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit educational emphasis was sediment control. 


Pre-Construction Stormwater Education Program

during construction build right keep soil on site



residents were reached with educational messages appearing on 4 billboards


individuals were reached with web-based targeted advertisements and had 2,121 content interactions


individuals from construction industry invited to participate in a construction BMP photo contest


individuals completed the pre-construction stormwater education online program


Pick Up Where You Play

Each fall, the NWA Stormwater Education program calls on community partners to come together on a regional effort to remove litter from recreational areas.

In 2022:

  • 685 volunteers participated
  • 21 creek clean-up events

Thanks to all who participated!

Pick Up Where You Play was advertised through various media outlets such as KUAF, KNWA GoodDay, NWA Democrat Gazette with a total reach of 69,323!


Educational Programming


individuals interacted with staffed displays at 5 local events



residents learned to make rain barrels in 8 different programs



area children from 5 schools participated in programs on pollution prevention



people were educated on topics such as rain gardens, low-impact development and other stormwater topics through online videos and live webinars 



municipal employees participated in required stormwater annual training educating them to "See Something, Say Something" in their job


Individualized MS4 Audit and Compliance Support

As DEQ conducts MS4 stormwater permit audits in NWA, the regional program provides individualized audit support. Additional guidance is given to MS4s as unique situations arise to find resources that ensure they are staying compliant with federal and state stormwater regulations.


Visit these locations to see our work!

  • Lake Fayetteville Environmental Study Center: installed signage, mural and green roof demo
  • Mt. Kessler and Fayetteville Public Schools: provided plants and educational materials for riparian restoration
  • UpStream Art: 41 storm drain murals throughout NWA with water quality messages


Social Media Presence


  • 105 educational messages
  • 3,268 engagements

"Consistent digital content from Know the Flow NWA reminds me how individual actions can affect stormwater on the community scale. When more neighbors commit to reducing stormwater and improving water quality, our neighborhood creek will be safer and cleaner for our kids to play in."

-David Criswell, Instagram follower


  • 81 educational messages
  • 1,057 page likes
  • 12,908 engagements


Want to join us in protecting local streams creeks and streams?

Check out these 10 Things You Can Do to Protect Stormwater, and follow #KnowtheFlowNWA on social media for more ideas!

