7. Direct Downspouts Away From Paved Surfaces and Slow Water Down
When rain falls on a roof, its momentum increases and gives it more power to wash
pollutants into storm drains. Storm drains carry rainwater untreated to area creeks
and streams. By diverting your gutter downspouts to grassy areas, runoff can be slowed
and allowed to soak into the soil.
Increased stormwater flows also create a larger and faster flushing of creeks when it rains. This accelerates stream bank erosion. Erosion leads to murky water that can have impacts on the stream’s wildlife and increase algae growth from nutrients in the soil.
Try These Sustainable Options
Consider building a rain barrel
or installing a rain garden to capture the rain as it flows off roofs
Looking for more ideas?
Check out our residential stormwater management resources to learn about how to direct downspouts and using terraced landscapes to manage water flow.