2022-2023 Arkansas Irrigated Producers Phone Survey
Who are the principal researchers?
Dr. Chris Henry
(870) 673-2661
Associate Professor and Water Management Engineer
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Rice Research & Extension Center
University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Dr. Qiuqiong Huang
(479) 575-2073
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
University of Arkansas – Fayetteville
Why are we doing the survey?
- To update information on irrigation practices used by Arkansas irrigators.
- To understand the challenges irrigators experience.
- To study which State and Federal programs are helpful.
How can you help us?
During the Survey, our interviewers will call using the university number 479-575-3434, and ask about:
- Irrigation practices you use on the farm.
- What future risks you are most concerned about your farm operation.
- Things like your farm type, types of irrigated acres, water sources, etc.
Your input is important to us!
How will this survey benefit you and other producers?
- The survey will help Arkansas Universities, federal and state agencies direct resources to support Arkansas Agriculture.
- Arkansas Agriculture is very different from other regions, the survey results help document these differences so public resources can provide the most benefit to Arkansas farmers.
- The findings from the survey will be used by graduate students that will write their thesis and are excited about working with irrigated agriculture.
- Survey results will be made publicly available! Our research team conducted an irrigated producer survey in 2015.
See the results from the 2015 Mid-South Irrigation Practices survey.
When is the survey?
October 2022 to February 2023.
How long is the survey?
It may take between 30 minutes and one hour.
We know you are very busy and we really appreciate your time! A $25 gift card will be sent to you as a small token of appreciation.
How will my confidentiality be protected?
All information will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by applicable State and Federal law and University policy. Your answers will not be linked with your name in any data reports. All data collected during the Survey will be stored on a password-protected device in a locked cabinet. No analysis of data will reveal any identifying information.
Questions about the survey?
If you have any questions, comments, or want to discuss any concerns or problems with the research, please get in touch with:
- Chris Henry, Associate Professor and Water Management Engineer, University of Arkansas, cghenry@uark.edu.
- Qiuqiong Huang, Professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, qqhuang@uark.edu.
You may also contact the University of Arkansas Research Integrity and Compliance office listed below if you have questions about your rights as a participant.
Ro Windwalker, CIP
Institutional Review Board Coordinator
Research Integrity and Compliance, University of Arkansas
105 MLKG Building
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201

Support for the survey is being provided by The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - USDA.