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Cooperative Extension Educational Programs and Services 

Poinsett County, Arkansas

The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.  If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension Office for assistance.

County 4-H STEM Camp allowed youth to gain knowledge and leadership skills through hands-on learning activities.

Poinsett County 4-H Youth Development

Insert Photo: Opportunities like county STEM camp allow youth to learn and apply new skills while making new friends from across the county.

Poinsett County 4-H is the youth development program of the University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. Youth, ages 5-19, have the opportunity to learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills as they work in partnership with caring adults. Poinsett County is committed to helping young people develop skills needed to succeed in life and fully reach their individual potential.

Members “learn by doing” through projects designed to fit the youth’s individual needs at different stages. Through a variety of projects – from health and fitness to photography and horticulture – 4-H give opportunities to learn and practice new skills while gaining confidence to apply and share their knowledge.

Volunteers serve as club leaders, project leaders, and mentors. Each volunteer provides youth with knowledge, experiences, and skills to help empower youth in positive development.

 Who Can Join?

4-H membership is based the youth’s age as of January 1 of the current project year. All members and volunteers must enroll annually in the Arkansas Register for 4-H Events system.

There are three Arkansas 4-H age classifications:

Cloverbud Members: Youth who are 5-8 years old. Participation, safety, personal development, learning and fun are the main priorities for this age level. Cloverbuds programs are activity-focused, rather than project-focused, and are built on cooperative learning rather than competition.

Junior Members: Youth who are 9-13 years old. Any youth age nine or above is eligible for participation in all project along with respective competitive 4-H activities and events. Junior camps and special service opportunities are opportunities in the junior 4-H member’s experience.

Senior Members: Youth who are 14-19 years old. A youth’s 4-H eligibility ends December 31 the year he or she turns 19. Senior 4-H membership allows youth to participate in numerous state and national level experiences including Citizenship Washington Focus, High Adventure, state-level Ambassador Program, and statewide officer positions.

The 4-H program welcomes all youth and families. Youth and families with special challenges and disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to allow participation in activities and programs. Contact the Extension Office to learn more.

 When Should I Join?

The official Arkansas 4-H year begins October 1 and ends on September 30. Members and volunteers may enroll at any time during the year. However, joining at the beginning of each year allows participants to take advantage of all 4-H opportunities.

What is there to do in 4-H?

Visit Arkansas 4-H  to learn more about the incredible opportunities that await your family in the 4-H program!

Poinsett County 4-H Clubs and Groups:

  • The Great Clovers Community 4-H Club 
  • Tyronza Elementary 4-H Club
  • Lepanto Elementary 4-H Warriors Club 
  • Poinsett County 4-H Shooting Sports
  • Poinsett County 4-H Robotics and Engineering Group
  • Poinsett County 4-H Livestock Legends

Contact the Poinsett County Extension Office at (870) 578-4490 to find a club or to learn how you can establish a club in your community.

Request to join the Poinsett County 4-H Facebook group!

Poinsett County 4-H Outdoor O-Rama Information

Outdoor O-Rama Overview - currently being updated.

Harrisburg Senior Center participants analyze food labels while learning to reduce added sugar intake.

Family and Consumer Sciences

Helping Poinsett County citizens enhance their quality of life through education is the goal of the Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) program. Your FCS Extension team aims to make life better, healthier, and safer for individuals, families, and communities within Poinsett County. Citizens can receive practical, reliable, research-based information through programs and resources that focus on four key components:

Photo: Harrisburg Senior Center nutrition program participants analyze food labels to determine sugar content of various foods. 

Foods and Nutrition

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)
  •      Youth SNAP-Programs
  •      Adult SNAP-Ed Programs
  • Food Preservation
  • Food Safety (ServSafe Food Safety Certification)
  • Cook Smart, Eat Smart
  • Shopping Matters
  • Healthy Eating with My Plate

Health and Aging

Marriage, Parenting, and Family Life

Family and Consumer Economics – Personal Finance

Volunteerism and Leadership in Family and Consumer Sciences

Follow us on Facebook: Poinsett County Extension Service


Poinsett County EHC Fidge Vest Donation

Poinsett County Extension Homemakers Program

Poinsett County Extension Homemakers Club member young homemakers, working moms, grandmothers, and retired men and women striving to better themselves, their families, and their communities.

The EHC mission is to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of life through:

  • Continuing Education
  • Leadership Development
  • Community Service

Being an EHC member means belonging to one of the largest adult volunteer organizations in Arkansas. Poinsett County currently has two clubs with approximately 20 members. Clubs plan their programs and meet together monthly to learn, grow, develop friendships, and have fun.

To learn more about EHC or to express membership interest, contact the County Extension Office at 870-578-4490 or email

Photo: Members of the Poinsett County Extension Homemakers Council constructed and donated "fidget vests" for local nursing home residents. The "Fidget Vest Project" is one many service activities EHC members conduct throughout the year. 



Craig Allen

Poinsett County Agriculture Program

Whether you have a large farm or a small home garden, the Poinsett County Extension Staff can assist you with your concerns. We offer a wide variety of education programs from crop production to vegetable gardening and lawn care.

Contact the Poinsett County Extension Office to learn more about available research-based agriculture information and programs. 


Community and Economic Development

Explore our website or contact our office to learn how the Cooperative Extension Service can support your efforts to develop forward-looking leaders, vibrant communities (including local food resources) and a better economic future for businesses large and small. 

Click to learn more.
