2024 Eclipse Resources for Arkansas Communities

On Monday, April 8, 2024, a large portion of Arkansas will see the solar eclipse ranging from a few seconds to nearly 4 minutes and 30 seconds, nearly double the maximum totality of the 2017 eclipse!
Thanks to the collaboration between county Extension agents, CREATE BRIDGES' regional steering committee, and community partners, we were able to host six county workshops across the Ozark Foothills (Fulton, Izard, and Sharp Counties) and 3Cs Southwest (Howard, Little River, and Sevier Counties). The workshops consisted of presentations, live demos, and quick-reference sheets. The content is especially relevant to any Arkansas community that will experience the totality of the eclipse.
Preparation is key!
According to Arkansas Tourism the state is expecting anywhere from 1.5 to 2x the state population over the weekend leading up to the solar eclipse.
The vast majority of communities that will experience the total solar eclipse are small, rural communities. Communities across the state have been meeting for weeks and months to prepare.
Whether you are a community volunteer, city official or mayor, county official, not-for-profit leader, small business owner, or landowner, there is something you can do to help prepare your community.
Curious to know if your community is in the path of totality? Use this source!
Check out these community resources!
A special thank you to the Arkansas "Eclipse Gurus" (Susan West, Bethany Swindell, Cass Capen-Housley) and the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society, County Extension Offices, and others for creating and sharing these resources.
For more information, contact Brandon L. Mathews at bmathews@uada.edu or 501-671-2085.
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