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(June 2005)

QuestionI have a peach tree that has peaches for the first time this year...lots of peaches. A lot of them fell off, but I probably would have needed to thin them anyway. However, I seem to remember that peaches seldom develop w/o some help in the form of insecticides. Is there anything I should treat it with, or is it too late?


AnswerI guess it is never too late.  With peaches, we worry not only with insects, but diseases as well.  Try to find a general purpose fruit spray, with a combination of insecticide and fungicide.  We normally recommend spraying when two-thirds of the flower petals fall off, and continue roughly every two weeks throughout the season.  Worms are the primary insect problem, but brown rot—a fungus, can take a crop seemingly overnight, especially following a rainy spell. Good luck.

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