November 7, 2015
I am relatively new at trying to grow plants and trees. I have a pear tree that is young, about 3 years old now, and is still quite spindly. It produced quite a few pears this year but the trunk of the tree is very slender. Should I fertilize this tree and if so, when? I also have some plum trees that I think need fertilizing. They are older, about 10 years, and still produce but some of the limbs have died. Should I fertilize them and if so, when?
Most fruit trees benefit from an application of fertilizer once or twice a year depending on their age. For young trees, in early spring broadcast a complete fertilizer (10-10-10). You can repeat this again in June. For older trees broadcast fertilizer around the tree every year in late March. Usually well-established trees only need one application of fertilizer a year, but watering is important for all fruit trees.
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