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(April 2012)

QuestionI purchased a rosemary topiary on sale after Christmas. It's in a 4" pot and I want to re-pot it and move it to my front yard. I get 6+ hours of sun light out there.  My question is, what size pot do I choose? I'm unconcerned about keeping the shape because I will be using it for cooking. I'd like for it to get as big as possible but it has to be planted in a pot and placed near my front porch  to keep the neighborhood dogs from urinating on it.


AnswerRosemary does great outdoors in Arkansas.  It actually is fairly drought tolerant once established.   If you want a large plant, opt for a fairly large container.   Maximum size will be limited by root constriction, so the larger the container, the larger the eventual mature plant.   Choose a container that will work with the size of your front porch.


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