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(May 2009)

QuestionA friend of mine gave me the a Clivia miniata  houseplant and I have been unsure how to take care of it. Searching the internet I found out that it likes to be on the dry side. By the time I learned this, the plant has already lost its blooms so I am afraid that I have killed the plant. Can you tell me anything I can do to revive the plant? I am willing to re-pot if necessary.


AnswerClivia only blooms once a year, but when it does it is amazing.  The flowers are either a bright orange or yellow depending on the variety.  The plant is in the amaryllis family and is not winter hardy in Arkansas.  Young plants can take several years before they begin to bloom.  During the growing season—from spring until fall, water regularly and fertilize once or twice.  You can move the plant outdoors for the growing season and then bring it back inside for fall.  During the fall and early winter, keep it very dry and on the cool side.  A chilling period is needed for best flower production.  Gradually increase watering as the plants begin to grow, and hopefully you will have a beautiful flower again next year.


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