Volunteers & IT
The Extension IT Department’s role is to support Extension/Division employees with software, hardware, email, or general technical questions and processes.
The support services offered by the department to Extension volunteer groups is limited to the following opportunities listed below, all of which are only available through county agents.
Free services
- Formstack forms for registration, ordering supplies and internal process forms (Both county and state level).
- Volunteers must go through an agent to request a form.
- Qualtrics/Microsoft Forms for surveys or basic data collection, built and owned by employee, technical assistance
provided by Gretchen Skinner.
- Webpages (statewide) for support contact webhelp@uada.edu.
- Master Gardener webpages
- Updated by select MG volunteers and Julie Treat.
- EHC webpages
- Updated by Nancy Hightower and Laura Hendrix.
- Extension Get Fit webpages
- Updated by FCS support staff.
- Master Gardener webpages
- Master Gardener volunteer hours
- IT supports the application, Julie Treat handles the technical support.
- Online Master Gardener training
- Technical support and course maintenance by Armenta Lockhart/Ashley Henderson. Content created by Randy Forst and Julie Treat.
Individual clubs may use social media groups, custom-built websites, design software, apps or other tools that are not affiliated nor supported by IT. Hardware and software, unless purchased for a county office or agent and approved by IT, is not supported by IT staff.
Note, unauthorized software is not permitted on CES owned computers.