UACES Facebook Free Webinar on Sustainable Ag Grant Opportunities for Farmers
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Arkansas Southern SARE Blog

Free Webinar on Sustainable Ag Grant Opportunities for Farmers

by Lizzy Herrera - April 23, 2021

The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) program will be offering a free webinar this summer discussing its Producer Grants program on June 16 and August 18.

“Testing Sustainable Ag Ideas on the Farm” is designed for farmers and ranchers and farmer groups in the Southern region interested in sustainable agriculture research to learn more about SSARE’s Producer Grants – a funding opportunity for farmers in the Southern region to test sustainable agriculture ideas on their farm by conducting research projects.

The 60-minute PowerPoint webinar session, including a Q&A, will be held on two dates. 

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The webinar will cover the following topics:

• An overview of the SSARE program (who we are and what we do);
• Basic information on Producer Grants (qualification requirements and selecting a research topic);
• Details of the Call for Proposals covering each section of the Call, including setting up a research project, budgets and outreach;
• How a proposal is reviewed and why proposals are rejected;
• Tips for writing a strong proposal; and
• Step-by-step instructions for submitting a proposal to SSARE’s online submission system.

For more information on the Producer Grant webinar, contact Producer Grant manager Candace Pollock-Moore at or 770-412-4786.
