Weed Control Demonstrations

Hemlock Demonstration
Location: Siloam Springs, AR | Benton County
Seven different herbicide treatments compared on the control of hemlock. Treatments
were repeated on different dates. Hemlock is easily controlled early by a variety
of products. See the agent demonstration below to view the complete test results.
Hemlock Demonstration Book
Turfgrass Weed Control Demonstration
Location: Searcy, AR | White County
On April 7, 2020 a turfgrass weed control demonstration was conducted at Westview
Missionary Baptist Church on the west side of Searcy. The demonstration results were
shared on social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter) and in the White County Horticulture
newsletter reaching a total of 16211 indirect and 1823 direct contacts. View the
full results below.
Turfgrass Weed Control Demonstration
Privet Hedge Control in Commercial Blackberries
Location: Judsonia, AR | White County
On June 20, 2020 a privet hedge demonstration was conducted in a commercial blackberry
planting at Ritter Farm. The field had once been abandoned and Privet hedge had taken
over. The growers have eradicated it in row middles, but it is still prevalent in
the rows. See the full results in the PDF below.
Privet Hedge Control in Commercial Blackberries

Knotroot Foxtail Demonstration
Location: Baxter, Benton, Cleburne, Crawford, Faulkner, Franklin, Hot Springs, Johnson, Marion, Madison, Newton, Perry, Scott, Stone, Washington and Yell Counties, Arkansas
Knotroot foxtail is an invasive perennial summer grass weed that has low forage quality. The foxtail seed head emerges in July, so most producers don’t recognize the infestation problem until late in the growing season. In recent years it has become a concern to forage producers throughout Arkansas.
Forage producers have limited herbicide options for grass control in forage grass
crops. The objective for this demonstration was to compare the effectiveness of grass
herbicides, non-selective herbicides, and combinations of both for knotroot foxtail
control in forage grasses. Read the rest of the demonstration in the PDF below.
Knotroot Foxtail Demonstration
Grassy Weed Control in Bermudagrass
Location: Benton County, Arkansas
Grassy weed can cause poor quality forage in bermudagrass fields due to mold and other
seeds mixing in with the bermudagrass. It can also look unsightly. For this demonstration,
six different herbicide treatments were chosen to be evaluated in their control of
these troublesome grassy weeds. To learn more and see the demonstration results, view
the PDF below.
Grassy Weed Control in Bermudagrass

Greenbrier Fact Sheet
Location: Perry County, Arkansas
Greenbrier, a form of Smilax vine with waxy coated stem and prickles, is often seen
in fields, along fencerows, and woodlands in Arkansas. There are a lot of questions
about controlling greenbrier and demos show it can be hard to control. See the PDF
below for the full demonstration.
Greenbrier Fact Sheet
Ryegrass Burndown in Row Crops
Location: Lollie, Arkansas | Faulkner County
Ryegrass is one of the top three weeds in Faulkner County. Ryegrass is the number one weed of wheat in-season and hay producers growing bermudagrass are seeing more problems with controlling ryegrass before the first harvest of hay. Most recently we have seen an increased problem of controlling ryegrass before planting in corn, soybean andrice fields in burndown applications. One of the reasons for this issue is that ryegrass in Faulkner County is getting more resistant to the most used burndown herbicide glyphosate. The reason for this demonstration is to look at burndown options for row crop producers to control ryegrass before planting.
Faulkner Co. Ryegrass Burndown Demonstration
Soybean Pre-Emergence Herbicide Demonstration
Location: Lollie, Arkansas | Faulkner County
11 herbicides were applied to demonstrate effectiveness on 4 common weeds in Faulkner County Soybeans.
The herbicides were evaluated for control of:
- carpetweed
- grasses (barnyardgrass and broadleaf signalgrass)
- yellow nutsedge
- Palmer amaranth (pigweed)
The herbicides were applied on May 26, 2021 one day after the field was planted.
Soybean Pre-emergence Herbicide Demonstration