UACES Facebook Drew County, Arkansas Extension Programs Information
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Extension Educational Programs & Services
Drew County, Arkansas 

The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.  If you do not see what you are looking for below, check out our Drew County Homepage or contact our Drew County Extension Office for assistance at 870-460-6270.

Feel free to stop by our offices for a visit. We are located on the ground floor / basement of the Drew County Courthouse at 210 South Main Street, Monticello, AR 71655. Our office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.

We also sponsor after hours clubs and other activities in the Drew County Courthouse Club Room located across the hall from us. You can also email us individually at the addresses listed below each Program. Thank you for your interest in the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Drew County Cooperative Extension Office.

 Master Gardener in all capital letters beneath a hardwood tree with leaves and roots

Master Gardeners of the Delta

The Master Gardeners of the Delta group consists of gardeners from Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Desha, and Drew counties. This successful program is conducted by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. The program began in 1972 in Washington State and has since encompassed the entire nation with Arkansas joining ranks in 1988. 

Anyone interested in learning more about the Master Gardeners of the Delta including when the next training classes will be held, please contact our office at 870-460-6270.

The link below provides additional resources for those interested in the statewide program.

Arkansas Master Gardener Program

Photo: Master Gardener 


 6 black cows grazing in a field, Hardwood trees in background

Agriculture Programs and Services Available in Drew County

Agriculture is a vital part of the local economy, and it is a way of life for generations of families in the county.  Our goal is to assist farmers and ranchers with researched-based information to improve profitability.  Working toward that goal, we provide numerous services such as soil testing, hay nutrient analysis, feed ration analysis, sprayer calibration, and more.

Demonstrations are often conducted on individual farms to determine what practice will work best in each situation. From improving livestock forages to selecting the best corn hybrid, we strive to provide our clientele with the latest information to make sound decisions.

We have a myriad of publications available dealing with specific crops and issues. Widely used publications such as the MP-144 "Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas" have been mainstays on farmers and ranchers truck dashes for years. Currently there are 1,595 publications available through our office and website.  Many are updated periodically as technology improves, while others are developed as a new issue arises.


Photo: Drew County, Arkansas Cattle


Green field crops growing in a field, Hardwood trees in background

Arkansas Agricultural Updates

Select each publication you would like to view and print if desired. If you would like us to mail you a hard copy of any of these publications or if you need further data about a particular variety, please contact our office. To view the soil fertility study, follow the link to the Division of Agriculture Communications page and select the portion of the PDF you would like to view. The updates include data gathered from crop performance trials. The quick facts include major points of interests for each crop including growth stages, seeding rates, plant stands, fertilization, irrigation, diseases, insects, and weed control.


2022 Wheat Quick Facts Sheet

Arkansas Soybean Quick Facts 2021

Arkansas Rice Quick Facts 2021

Arkansas Grain Sorghum Quick Facts 2021

Arkansas Corn Quick Facts 2021

 Photo: Drew County, Arkansas Field Crops


University of Agriculture Publications

Select each publication you would like to view and print if desired. If you would like us to mail you a hard copy of any of these publications, please contact our office.

Biology, Identification and Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila

Grain Sorghum Insect Control

Year-Round Home Garden Planting Guide 


 Family & Consumer Sciences encircle a line drawing of a family

Drew County Family and Consumer Sciences Programs

The FCS program entails a wide array of programming efforts aimed to improve the quality of life for all ages.  Programs vary from health issues to money management to improving parenting skills.

Special efforts are made to address issues relevant to the needs of county residents.  Whether diabetes education, retirement planning, or early childhood education, Extension's resources and expertise meets people where they live.

Popular programs include:

  • Eat Smart, Live Strong
  • Financial Management
  • Food Safety
  • Health and Aging
  • Healthy Snacks
  • Living Well with Diabetes
  • Marriage Garden
  • Marriage, Parenting, and Family Life
  • My Plate
  • ReNew You: Health for Every Body
  • Reshape Yourself
  • Small Steps to Health & Wealth
  • Strong Women, Strong Men

Eat Smart, Live Strong classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-3:00 PM at Annswood Apartments for Senior Living. For more information, contact our office at 870-460-6270 or email

Additional information about exercise and nutrition for youth and adults, healthy living, or any of the programs listed, please contact our office at 870-460-6270.

Photo: Family and Consumer Sciences

AEHC logo - community service, leadership development, education

Drew County EHC Club Meeting Dates and Times

  • EHC Night Owls meets the 2ND MONDAY at 6:30 PM.
  • EHC Sewing Club meets the 1ST TUESDAY at 6:00 PM in the Club Room of the Drew County Courthouse. 
  •  EHC Ebony Club meets the 2ND TUESDAY at 5:15 PM.
  •  EHC Scrapbookers 101 Club meets the 3RD TUESDAY at 5:00 PM.
  •  EHC Southside Club meets the 2ND THURSDAY at 11:00 AM at the Western Sizzlin' located at 436 US HWY 425 N in Monticello.
  •  EHC Town & County Quilters meets the 2ND THURSDAY at 5:30 PM in the Club Room of the Drew County Courthouse. Please enter the building after hours from the left side door or the handicap entrance in the rear of the building.
  •  EHC Cooking Club meets the 4TH THURSDAY at 7:00 PM in the Club Room of the Drew County Courthouse.
  •  EHC Enon Club meets the 3RD THURSDAY at 6:00 PM. 
  •  EHC Valley meets the 3RD SATURDAY at 1:00 PM.
  • Advantages EHC Club meets the 2ND TUESDAY at 9:30 AM at Advantages on 168 W College Ave. in Monticello. 

 For more information about our local Extension Homemaker Clubs including each club's monthly meeting locations, please contact our office at 870-460-6270 or email

 The link below provides additional resources for those interested in the statewide EHC.

Photo: Arkansas Extension Homemakers Council 
Drew County EFENEP Program Assistant sharing food demonstration, Female in apron standing behind table with food on it

Healthy Tasting Cooking Classes

Classes sponsored by the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

Participants will learn how to prepare healthy nutritious meals on a budget with little preparation and cooking time. During each class, the Drew County EFNEP Program Assistant will provide participants with step-by-step instructions for each meal, offer everyone a free sample of the prepared meal, and present EFNEP lessons regarding the health benefits of the meal, how to shop wisely for groceries, and exercise. Topics of the EFNEP lessons include:

Get Moving!

Plan, Shop, $ave

Fruits & Veggies: Half Your Plate

Make Half Your Grains Whole

Build Strong Bones

Go Lean with Protein

Make a Change

Celebrate! Eat Smart & Be Active

When EFNEP participants complete the individualized lesson program or the healthy tasting cooking class series, they receive a free cookbook and a free coupon organizer. These participants also receive free cooking utensils including a produce brush, food thermometer, measuring spoon and a set of measuring cups.

If you are interested in attending a healthy tasting cooking class series or if you would like to meet with our EFNEP Program Assistant for individualized lessons, please contact our office at 870-460-6270.

Photo: Drew County EFNEP Healthy Tasting Cooking Class 


People exercising with medicine balls, lifting weighted balls while standing with knees slightly bent

Medicine Ball Exercise Program

The Drew County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent conducts an ongoing free exercise program using medicine balls that range in weight from two to ten pounds. The balls are simply a tool to provide weight and resistance. Strength training with this method increases muscle mass, improves bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression and obesity. It also improves sleep and self-confidence. The participants that completed the last 12-week Medicine Ball Training increased their flexibility, endurance, strength, and lost weight based on the results of their assessments.

These classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PM at the Boys and Girls Club gym at City Park. For more information, contact our office at 870-460-6270 or email

 Photo: Drew County Medicine Ball Exercise Class 

 4-H Clover, Green clover with 4 leaves each having 1 white capital H

Drew County 4-H Clubs

4-H is the youth development program conducted by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service.  Members can select from some 82 project areas ranging from automotive to clothing to space camp.

Adult leaders teach youth subject matter by the "learn-by-doing" method.  4-H teaches leadership, citizenship, and other life skills that are useful throughout life.  Each year, Arkansas 4-H youth, receive more than $80,000 in scholarships on the state level for their outstanding 4-H work.

The mission of 4-H is to provide opportunities to acquire knowledge, develop life skills, form attitudes, and practice behavior that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society.

Drew County 4-H Clubs

  •  4-H Horse Club meets the 2ND MONDAY at 6:00 PM at various locations.
  •  4-H Horse Clinic meets the 2ND SATURDAY at 10 AM at the Rocking Horse Ranch on Old Florence Rd. in Monticello. 
  •  4-H Sewing Club meets the 1ST TUESDAY at 6:00 PM in the Club Room of the Drew County Courthouse. Please enter the building after hours from the left side door or the handicap entrance in the rear of the building.
  •  4-H Koinonia Home School meets the 2ND THURSDAY at 4:30 PM at the Living Word Fellowship Church located at 181 US HWY 425 S in Monticello.
  •  4-H Kennedy Clover Buds meet the 3RD WEDNESDAY at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the Kennedy Church of Christ located at 459 Kennedy Blvd in Monticello.
  •  4-H Shooting Sports Club meets in Rock Springs at various times.
  • 4-H Vet Science Club meets at various times and locations, contact the local Extension Office for details. 
  • 4-H Catholic Coders meets 1ST, 2ND and 3RD Sunday at 11:00 AM at St. Mark's Church in Monticello.

WHEP meets every THURSDAY at 4:30 PM at the Living Word Fellowship Church located at 181 US HWY 425 S in Monticello, AR. 

October is National 4-H Month. 4-H members are encouraged to reach out and recruit peers. 4-H focuses on leadership skills. 

Meeting times are subject to change, before attending a meeting for the first time contact our office at 870-460-6270 or email for any updates.

Photo: 4-H Clover


The Best Care written in Red and Blue printed letters, Drawing of 3 stick people colored in red and blues

The Best Care Training for Early Childhood Professionals

If you are an early childhood professional, foster parent, or early childhood educator and want to learn more about caring for young children, you may be interested in The Best Care. Sometimes it is difficult to find appropriate classes that are close to home and affordable. The University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, in partnership with the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Association, is offering training for early childhood professionals. Classes are offered free of charge and is verified training through the Traveling Arkansas’ Professional Pathways (TAPP) and supports the Better Beginnings Program.

The Drew County Cooperative Extension Service has been providing a free set of classes for early childhood professionals and others interested in learning more about young children. The most recent classes were held January - February 2015. Ten hours of lessons were provided in a classroom setting on topics such as More Money in Your Pocket: Making the Most of Tax Credits, Making the Most of Your Health Care Dollar, Best Nutrition Practices for Healthy Kids, Arkansas Nutrition Myth Busters, Outdoor Learning Environments, Infant Care in Early Childhood, Your Blueprint for Happiness, Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood and Health Care: Private Option. 

For more information about The Best Care classes for early childhood professionals, contact the Drew County Extension Office at 870-460-6270 or email

Photo: The Best Care 

The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Dial 711 for Arkansas Relay.


