UACES Facebook ILEAD III Seminar Recap
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ILEAD III Seminar Recap

by Valerie Turner, Monroe County Extension Agent-Staff Chair - January 5, 2024

iLEAD III Photo Collage

Our third face-to-face meeting was an information-packed experience, especially on the first day. iLEAD Cohort III commenced their time at the University of Arkansas campus in Monticello, where they gained comprehensive insights into forestry and southeast Arkansas' agricultural operations. The topics covered included educational certification programs, industry efficiency, plant and soil health in our forests, ongoing research efforts, and Arkansas elk restoration initiatives. Members also enjoyed engaging tours of various campus departments, with a highlight being a visit to the 4-H STEM Hub, featuring hands-on demonstrations of several STEM activities.

Day two took place at the picturesque Five Oaks Research and Education Center, where participants learned about exciting programs and ongoing research, including a site tour. Additionally, the District Director Panel provided valuable insights into the roles and responsibilities of county agents and the Cooperative Extension Service, spanning aspects from funding to community relations.

Hope Bragg, 4-H STEM instructor, provided an energetic and witty overview of 4-H programming, archaeology, forestry, etc. iLead was Hope’s last official presentation before traveling to Michigan with her family for the holiday break. Extension and iLead Cohort III is saddened to learn that Hope was involved in a tragic home accident and passed away Dec. 30, 2023. In addition to her passing, Hope’s husband, Don, and two of their children, Kenny and Elizabeth, also passed away in the accident. Her youngest son, Stephen, and her father survived and are undergoing treatment for their injuries.

iLead Cohort III would like to take this opportunity to express their deepest sympathy for the tragic loss of Hope Bragg and her family. We were blessed/fortunate to witness Hope doing what she loved best…educating Arkansans on 4-H, Archaeology, Forestry and STEM. Many thanks to Hope Bragg for her contributions to Arkansas Extension and especially the iLead program.

The next iLEAD session, set for Jan. 19, 2024 will take place virtually. To learn more information about the iLEAD program, please reach out to Julie Robinson at or Lisa Davis at
