UACES Facebook Leadership Skills-A Work in Progress
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Leadership Skills-A Work in Progress

by Renee Threlfall, Research Scientist, UA System Food Science Department - November 21, 2022

Graphic of Dr. Jeff King, Rachel Bearden, and iLEAD Zoom screenshotAs a member of iLEAD Cohort II, I was presented the challenge to summarize the virtual session from November 18, 2022.

We started the meeting with an ice breaker of sharing holiday traditions: common themes were sharing food and experiences with family and friends. I would love to be invited to share these experiences with the team, but it was interesting to learn about the values and traditions surrounding this U.S. holiday.

The guest speaker, Dr. Jeff King, co-director Leadership Center and associate professor, The Ohio State University, discussed Emotional and Social Intelligence: Strengthening Your Leadership Capacity. The objectives of the training were:

  1. to understand emotional intelligence and why it is important and
  2. to identify strategies to improve your emotional and social effectiveness with others.

Self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management are the main components of EQ-Based Theory of Performance. Keys to managing strategies are managing the elements of thinking and to listen before we react or reply in situations with a goal to understand the “why” that drives to emotion. 

In situations, remember to NOT take it personal, you can understand by listening, but you don’t have to necessarily agree with the conversation or point of view.  Always keep in mind what type of thinking drives our behaviors and how emotions impact those actions. Personally, I think this ability to listen and respond takes training and maturity to master, as well as self-awareness.  

Then, Rachel Bearden, Hot Spring County extension agent-staff chair, shared her iLead Project. The objective of her project was to create a leadership program for students who have achieved Teen Star Status to better train them for a future capacity as a potential 4-H Ambassador, State Office, and career readiness skills. It was interesting to hear about an iLead project, how it was implemented and the challenges of implementing. We ended the meeting by sharing some of our ideas for projects. I am looking forward to the next in person iLead seminar in December.
