UACES Facebook Landscape Trees By Common Name S
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Landscape Trees By Common Name S

Common Name Scientific Name Comments 
Thumbnail picture of Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) trees in fall color  Select for larger images and more information.  
Sassafras albidum
  • Size: small sized native tree (22' tall by 15' wide)
  • Flowers: pastel yellow-green in early spring
  • Fruit: not significant
  • Fall color: exceptional flame fall color Leaves variable in shape (look like gloves)
  • Culture: full sun. Best in well drained soils
  • Disease/insect: none serious
  • Use: usually in fence rows; extremely difficult to transplant
Saucer Magnolia
Thumbnail picture of Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia x soulangiana) tree in early spring pink and white flowers  Select for larger images and more information.  
Magnolia x soulangiana
  • Size: small sized tree (22' tall by 22' wide)
  • Flowers: urn-shaped early spring (March), pink/white; easily damaged by frosts
  • Fruit: none
  • Fall color: none
  • Culture: full sun. Requires deep, rich, moist soil
  • Disease/insect: none significant
  • Use: single season plant that is hard to beat when in flower
Shadblow; Serviceberry; Juneberry
Thumbnail picture of Shadblow (Amelanchier canadensis) tree in white spring fowers.  Select for larger images and information.  
Amelanchier canadensis
  • Size: large multi-stemmed shrub or small, upright tree (15' to 20' tall)
  • Flowers: early spring, white
  • Fruit: June, red-purple, edible
  • Fall color: maroon
  • Culture: partial shade to shade. Requires rich, moist soil
  • Use: understory or woodland plant
Silver Maple *
Thumbnail picture of Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) tree in yellowish fall color  Select for larger images and information. 
Acer saccharinum
  • Size: large sized shade tree (80'); very fast growing
  • Flowers & fruits: not significant
  • Fall color: fair, yellowish
  • Culture: tolerant of site conditions
  • Use: typically not recommended for landscapes (brittle, weak wooded)
Slash Pine

No Photo Available
Pinus elliottii
  • Mostly a timber tree
  • Needles: primarily in 2's (some in 3's) per bundle, 8" to 10" long
  • Native Southeast U.S.
Thumbnail picture of Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) tree.  Select for larger images and more information. 
Oxydendrum arboreum
  • Size: small sized tree (25' tall by 15'); upright oval
  • Flowers: beautiful Lily-of-the-valley flowers in June
  • Fruit: not significant
  • Fall color: exceptional red fall color
  • Culture: rich, deep, moist soil. Probably best suited in Northwest Arkansas
  • Disease/insect: none significant
  • Use: specimen, small summer flowering lawn tree
Southern Hackberry; Sugar Hackberry
Thumbnail picture of Southern Hackberry (Celtis laevigata) tree.  Select for larger images and information. 
Celtis laevigata
  • Size: medium sized tree (50' tall by 50' wide)
  • Flowers: not significant
  • Fruit: small 'berry', birds love
  • Fall color: not significant
  • Bark: distinctive gray, warty branches
  • Culture: very adaptable
  • Disease/insect: Asian woolly hackberry aphid
  • Use: native; rarely planted in landscapes. Weak wooded
Southern Magnolia
Thumbnail picture of Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) tree.  Select for larger images and more information.  
Magnolia grandiflora
  • Size: medium sized tree (55' tall by 50' wide)
  • Flowers: large white flowers during summer
  • Fruit: somewhat messy
  • Fall color: none. Broadleaf evergreen. Messy leaves
  • Culture: full sun. Adaptable to soils
  • Disease/insect: none significant
  • Use: signature tree of the South. Requires quite a bit of room
Star Magnolia
Thumbnail picture of Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata) tree in white spring flowers  Select for larger images and more information.  
Magnolia stellata
  • Size: large shrub/small sized tree (15' tall by 12' wide)
  • Flowers: white, star-like flowers, early spring (March), fragrant
  • Fruit: not significant
  • Fall color: none
  • Culture: full sun. Requires deep, rich, moist soil. Not recommended for tough sites
  • Insect/disease: none significant
  • Use: small flowering tree. Single season of interest
Sugar Maple
Thumbnail picture of Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) tree in bright orange fall color  Select for larger images and information. 
Acer saccharum
  • Size: medium to large sized shade tree (65' tall by 55' wide)
  • Flowers & fruits: not significant
  • Fall color: exceptional orange/red fall color
  • Culture: best in moist, rich soil. Intolerant of heat and dry sites. Typically best suited in Northwest Arkansas
  • Use: shade tree in Northwest Arkansas
  • Cultivars: ‘Legacy’, ‘John Pair’
Sweetbay Magnolia
Thumbnail picture of Sweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana) tree.  Select for larger images and more information. 
Magnolia virginiana
  • Size: large shrub/small sized tree (18' tall by 12' wide)
  • Flowers: never a great show, but attractive over several months. white flowers 3 to 4" across. April to June
  • Fruit: not significant
  • Fall color: broadleaf evergreen
  • Culture: fairly adaptable
  • Insect/disease: none significant
  • Use: screen, upright evergreen accent
  • Misc: native Southeast Arkansas; underside of leaves distinctly silvered
Thumbnail picture of Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) tree in fall red and yellow colors.  Select for larger images and more information. 
Liquidambar styraciflua
  • Size: large size tree (75' tall by 50' wide). Fast growing
  • Flowers: not significant
  • Fruit: obnoxious woody capsule, spiny ball
  • Fall color: variable, but often very attractive
  • Culture: very adaptable
  • Use: shade tree with messy fruits. Shallow rooted
  • Cultivars: select mostly fruitless cultivars: 'Rotundiloba', Cherokee™