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Virginia Buttonweed

June 23, 2018


I first noticed this weed last summer.  It has both green and variegated green and yellow leaves, and produces a small white flower with four petals.  It spreads rapidly, carpets the ground, and will out-compete anything in its path.  Is there an effective treatment or control for this weed that can be used over St. Augustine.

Picture of virgina buttonweed  Picture of virgina buttonweed



You have a tough weed to control. It is called Virginia buttonweed. This is a perennial weed that prefers low and often moist areas.  If you can spot it as it first gets established, dig it up making sure to get the taproot.  Herbicides provide only temporary suppression of Virginia buttonweed and you have to be careful about what products you use on St. Augustine.  Multiple applications of three-way (2,4­D + MCPP + dicamba) herbicides at intervals of three to six weeks do a fair job of suppressing Virginia buttonweed. Consult label to determine the safety and rates for St. Augustine.  Don’t use them when the temperatures are this hot

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