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Daisy Tree

December 2007

QuestionWe planted one of the tree daisies -Euryops, in the courtyard on the west side of our house. It grew and had lots of blooms this summer. We left for a month in Oct. and when we returned it had several big spots that were dry and falling off. The information we received with the plant says it is cold hard from 10 degrees to 0. So I am assuming it will be ok for winter however I don't know if we should water it during winter or if we should cut it back. It is listing so we have it anchored to try to straighten it out. Any care instructions will be appreciated. Even though it says low water once established I am worried about the big dry spots from not being watered in Oct. when we were gone. Will those re-grow in the spring?


AnswerEuryops pectinatis 'Viridis', commonly called tree daisy, is often sold as a tree formed plant. To keep it as a tree form, you would need to treat it as a tropical and move it indoors for the winter. It is questionable as to whether or not the plant is winter hardy in Arkansas. A few gardeners have had it re-sprout from the soil line in central and south Arkansas, but it is not reliable here and is definitely marginal in north Arkansas. By now, it is probably looking a little peaked after a few frosts. Mulch the base well, and wait for spring and see what happens. All of the literature says Euryops is hardy only to zone 9-- (Arkansas has zones 6, 7 and 8). I have found some folks who have said that it came back from the ground. For sure it will not come back from the top.

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