February 1, 2016
I dug up some Cannas rhizomes last fall and have stored them in the garage this winter.
I wanted to move them to another location. When should I replant the rhizomes and
do I need to do anything special when I replant them.
Wait for all chances of frost to pass, then divide the rhizomes and replant in a sunny
location where they get plenty of water. Cannas multiply quickly, so dividing them
at planting will allow them room to grow.
October 24, 2015
This popped up this spring. Any idea what it is?.
It looks like a dark-leafed variety of canna. We now have folks growing them more
for their unusual foliage than their flowers, but I would suspect a dark flower accompanies
this one.
(May 2008)
My cannas haven't bloomed in three years. Is it because they are not in full sun?
They only have sun in the afternoon?
Cannas need a minimum of six hours of sunlight to bloom their best. They also may
be too crowded. Canna bulbs grow quite quickly and can easily get overcrowded. Try
thinning out the plants and try moving a few to a sunnier locale and see how the blooming
goes. Water well and fertilize two to three times during the season.
(Nov. 2008)
Every year now we get something rolling itself up in young canna leaves in our six-year-old
canna bed. We've noticed black specks, and the tightly rolled leaves never open, but
become lacy. In previous years we've just kept clipping them off as they occur, but
this year I'm more aware of butterflies and beneficial insects in all their stages
of life. I don't want to be tossing away something that will be a butterfly or be
helpful someday. None of the butterfly books I have mention cannas as a host plant.
Just to be sure, can you please tell me what affects cannas this way?
The problem is an insect called the lesser canna leaf roller (Geshna cannalis) and
seems to be getting worse all the time. The adult of this insect is a small, light
brown moth. She lays eggs in groups of 6-15 on the upper surface of the canna leaf
starting soon after the cannas have emerged in the spring. When the eggs hatch, the
larvae tunnels into the leaf leaving behind the droppings or frass as they feed.
When they get to be about one week old the larvae initiate the leaf rolling, which
helps to protect them from predators and insecticides. The insects overwinter in
a pupal form in the dead canna leaves. Good sanitation this fall, removing all the
old leaves and replacing with a fresh layer of mulch can help you start the season
out clean. The moths won't get active until the cannas emerge next spring, but there
can be several generations of the insects each season. If you still see symptoms
next season, at the first sign--either leaf rolling or the frass or droppings, spray
BT (Bacillus thuriengiensis) into the rolled leaf and the surrounding foliage. Cutting
off heavily damaged leaves and destroying them, is also helpful.
(April 2006)
My wife and I recently bought our first home. At the time, it had a handsome flower
bed. Not being floral experts, we asked the previous owners how they cared for the
plants. One plant needed to be pruned, which we did. The others required no pruning
or any other maintenance, we were told. Now, what we believe are elephant ears, and
some of the other plants, still show no sign of life. I realize they may be reading
the weather better than we, but I wonder if there is more that needs to be done. Would
you help us by identifying the plants and suggesting any care or maintenance the plants
In the picture you sent, the main plants you have are elephant ears, cannas and hostas.
These are all perennials and should be sprouting within the next couple of weeks.
Growth rates vary based on soil temperature. In south Arkansas last week, I was amazed
at how much had already begun, while in cooler areas, it is not unusual to see sprouting
begin in mid April. Be patient for now. The blooming plants appear to be zinnias--it
looks like the Profusion Cherry and White zinnias. These are summer annuals and will
need to be replanted. I do think you probably want to incorporate some evergreen shrubs
in the landscape so your winter landscape is not so barren. You may need to regroup
some of the perennials to make way for shrubs, but this can be done as the plants
emerge this spring.
(March 2005)
Last year all my Canna Lilies had some kind of worms that caused the leaves not to
open. Are the tubers left from last year still infected, should they be destroyed,
or, is there a chemical I can use to control the problem this year.
There is an insect called a leaf roller that can keep the leaves rolled up tight.
Cleaning up the spent foliage from last season, may help cut down on the problem this
season, since the insects often over winter in the old foliage and mulch. Make sure
all the old foliage and mulch are removed and monitor the plants closely for signs
of problems. Spray if you see a problem beginning. BT - Bacillus thuriengiensis,
Dipel, or Sevin can help, but hopefully, won't be needed.
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