UACES Facebook C.E.S.P. 14-1: Budget Carry Over of Unrestricted Funds for F.Y.04 and After
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System Management - Payroll

C.E.S.P. 14-1: Budget Carry Over of Unrestricted Funds for F.Y.04 and After

Date Revised: 9-22-2006
Supersedes: 7-1-2006

Summary: Establishes a procedure for carry over of unrestricted funds.

At least annually, the Director of Financial Services will provide all financial managers a report that presents the amount of unused maintenance and operating funds subject to carryover to the subsequent fiscal year.  This amount will include 100% of remaining general operating funds after all year end transactions are posted, plus 50% of unused (state-funded) budgeted classified salary dollars and 100% of unexpended salary dollars for program techs and program associates. 

If the proposed carryover amount is 10% or less of the current fiscal year maintenance and operating budget, no explanation is necessary, and the funds will carryover to the next fiscal year to be spent at the discretion of the financial manager.  If the proposed carryover is greater than 10% of the current year budget, the financial manager must provide written explanation of how the funds will be used.  This explanation should relate to the entire amount of the proposed carryover, not just amounts over 10%.  More detailed instructions will accompany the proposed carryover reports distributed by the Director of Financial Services each year.

Upon approval by the Associate Vice President for Agriculture – Extension, Financial Services will load the carryover amounts into the system.  Notification of action taken will be sent to all financial managers.

If circumstances occur whereby during the year a rescission of budgeted funds is necessary, the rescission will be made from current year funds and not the carryover funds.

County fund carryover amounts will be used only for program expenditures in the county in which the funds were originally appropriated.
