Personnel - Performance
C.E.S.P. 1-30: Split Appointments - Division Policy
Date Revised: 4-5-2001
Supersedes: 8-1-1990
Summary: Establishes Division of Agriculture policy relating to employees holding research/teaching and Extension appointments.
The following Division of Agriculture policy was adopted effective July 1, 1990:
1. The Division encourages the use of split appointments where appropriate, with flexibility in proportions of research to Extension to meet job demands and personal aptitudes, interests, and capabilities. Without specific justification to the contrary, future appointments will normally carry a predominant appointment percentage in either research or Extension of 65 percent or greater.
2. Decisions regarding employment/separation of persons on split appointment require the mutual consent of both the Extension Station and Cooperative Extension Service directors.
3. The rank and tenure status at the time of appointment and any subsequent changes in appointment will be based on the following guidelines.
a. Initial Appointment:
appointment will be determined at the time of appointment.
Appointments of less than 50 percent research will not be considered as tenure-track.
Changes after the initial appointment will be made pursuant to the guidelines outlined herein.
b. Evaluations:
Persons on split appointments of greater than 50 percent Extension will be subject to the same policies for rank and annual performance evaluations as those on regular Extension appointments.
Persons on a split appointment of greater than 50 percent research will be subject to the same policies for rank, tenure, and annual performance evaluations as those on tenure-track appointments.
All performance evaluations will consider the percentage appointment in the research, teaching, and Extension categories.
Recommendations for tenure must have the Nomination for Tenure form signed by the departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee chairperson, the department head, the College Promotion and Tenure Committee chairperson, and the appropriate University administrators, including the president of the University, who must approve the action prior to the awarding of tenure.
c. Change of Appointment:
A person in a tenure-track position may be approved for an Extension appointment of greater than 50 percent before rank and tenure are granted, if all parties agree, provided that such a change is arranged and made at least 12 months prior to a departmental faculty evaluation for promotion and tenure.
An individual on a split appointment with an assignment of greater than 50 percent in Extension may be recommended for and transferred to a tenure-tract research position. When transferred to a tenure-tract research position, the individual will be appointed to a professional rank that is equivalent to the existing Extension rank and will be subject to the same rank and tenure policies as individuals on a similar tenure-rank appointment (i.e., recommendations for tenure must have the Nomination for Tenure form signed by the departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee chairperson, the department head, the College Promotion and Tenure Committee chairperson, and the appropriate University administrators, including the president of the University, who must approve the action prior to the awarding of tenure).
A tenured individual may be recommended and approved for an appointment of greater than 50 percent in Extension without relinquishing tenure. All such appointments must be approved by the appropriate faculty and administrators.
4. Annual salary adjustments for the research, teaching, and Extension portions of split appointments shall be based on merit, but each component will be raised by the same percentage.
5. Faculty with any research appointment must have an approved Experiment Station project in support of their research assignment within 12 months of the initial appointment. Their research project(s)/program will be approved by the appropriate disciplinary department head and the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station prior to the initiative of research.