UACES Facebook C.E.S.P. 1-29: Split Appointments - Salary Adjustment
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Personnel - Performance

C.E.S.P. 1-29: Split Appointments - Salary Adjustment

Date Revised: 7-1-2006
Supersedes: 4-5-2001

Summary: Establishes procedure for making salary adjustments for personnel on split appointment.

Recommendations for salary adjustments of faculty in the Division of Agriculture on split appointment will be determined by the organization (A.E.S. or C.E.S.) holding the highest percentage of the appointment (e.g., C.E.S. will determine raises for those split appointees with greater than 50 percent C E S appointment and vice versa for A.E.S.)  In either case, the Associate Director - Agriculture and Natural Resources or Department Head should contact his counterpart in the other organization to discuss the salary adjustment before a final decision is made. For faculty at the Research and Extension Centers, the Associate Director - Agriculture and Natural Resources/Department Head should consult with the Center Director to help ensure that the decision is consistent with other Center non- classified personnel.

Recommendations on salary adjustments for faculty with 50/50 appointments will be made by the Department Head after consultation with their respective Director. For faculty at the Research and Extension Centers, the Associate Director - Agriculture and Natural Resources/Department Head should consult the Center Director to ensure that the decision is consistent with other Center non-classified personnel. Final decisions on the raise will be negotiated by the directors or their designees prior to inclusion in the budget.

Because some inconsistencies in rounding of salary adjustments have occurred, the pay- rolling unit will determine the exact distribution of the salary dollars among the funding categories. For those faculty on 50/50 appointments, the exact salary distribution will be provided by the pay-rolling unit.
