The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.
Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) Classes
Pesticide regulations are the responsibility of the Arkansas State Plant Board. All
of the acts and regulations can be accessed at the Plant Board's website.
Sevier County Extension offers several PAT classes each year for farmers and homeowners
in order for them to receive a license to purchase or apply restricted use pesticides
including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.
Classes in Sevier County begin in December of each year and usually end in April or
May. For more information or to see when a class is scheduled, you may contact Sevier
County Extension at (870) 584-3013 or click on Pesticide Applicator Training Sessions Calendar.
Photo: PAT class held at UA Cossatot Campus in De Queen for farmers and homeowners.

Backyard Poultry Flocks
Backyard poultry flocks are very popular now but owners should be aware of bio security
precautions since high pathogenic Avian influenza has been diagnosed in several states,
including Arkansas. Avian Influenza, commonly known as "bird flu", is an infectious
disease of birds caused by type A Influenza viruses. The disease is carried by many
wild bird species including migratory waterfowl like ducks and geese, which show few
if any clinical signs of the disease. Influenza in birds is very contagious and can
cause severe illness and death in domestic species such as chickens and turkeys. The
potential losses and costs associated with outbreaks make it extremely important for
the poultry producer and small poultry flock owner to protect their flocks against
Avian Influenza and other diseases by using Bio security practices such as: Keep "No
Visitors" signs posted at the entrance of the farm and enforce this by not allowing
visitors on the farm or in the poultry houses. All farm personnel should wear separate
clothing on the farm and these clothes should stay on the farm. Do not visit other
poultry farms or flocks or have contact with other species of birds. Keep all poultry
houses securely locked. All equipment, crates, coops, etc. should be thoroughly disinfected
before and after use. Do not visit areas where Avian Influenza is a problem. If you
have poultry on your farm that are sick or dying, see any unusual signs in your poultry,
would like more bio security tips or have questions concerning Avian Influenza, contact
your veterinarian, livestock inspector, local county agent, the University of Arkansas
Cooperative Extension Service poultry veterinarian (479-957-4245) or the Arkansas
State Veterinarians office (501-907-2400).
Photo: Backyard poultry flock in Sevier County
Extension Get Fit Classes
Sevier County Cooperative Extension Service is offering a group fitness program, Extension Get Fit, to help adults increase strength, flexibility, and balance. This 12-week program
uses dumbbells and other equipment to improve fitness in a fun and relaxed one-hour
class. The fitness sessions meet twice weekly in the activity room at Christopher
Homes in Horatio. The class is instructed by Janet Cantrell, County Extension Agent-Family
and Consumer Sciences and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Come on out
and join the group! For more information, call Sevier County Extension at (870) 584-3013
or email Janet at
Photo: Janet Cantrell, CEA-FCS conducting an Extension Get Fit class.
SNAP-Ed Program
Smart Nutrition Active People-Education (SNAP-Ed) programs provide nutritional information
to food stamp recipients and other eligible low-income individuals and families. Classes
are held at the local schools and Senior Citizen Centers and handouts are available
from our office. We also conduct SNAP-Ed cooking classes and educational displays
are set up in the county. The participants report eating more fruits and vegetables
and making healthier choices. For more information contact Janet Cantrell, CEA-FCS
at the Sevier County Extension Office at (870) 584-3013 or
Photo: Students at Parkhill Preschool in De Queen enjoy a tasting activity as they learn
how a cantaloupe looks, feels, tastes, and smells.

Community and Economic Development
LeadAR is a leadership development program sponsored by the University of Arkansas
System Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. This year's LeadAR
class will include a national, and international study tour, and a community service
project. The purpose of the seminars and tours is to enhance leadership skills and
give participants a better understanding of key economic and social issues facing
Arkansas and the nation.
Elizabeth Walker of Horatio was chosen for the 2013-2014 class. Mrs. Walker says,
"One of the most exciting aspects of LeadAR will be meeting and learning from many
diverse, knowledgeable, and talented leaders. In September 2009, I transitioned from
a career working as a senior process engineer to working with my husband on our cattle
and poultry farm.
Once I transitioned to the farm full time, I quickly noticed that continuous improvement
opportunities in my rural community were limited. To satisfy my need to learn, get
better, and be involved, I actively seek opportunities like LeadAR. I look forward
to using my LeadAR experience to positively impact my family, farm, community, and
the future of agriculture."
For more information about our community development programs contact the Sevier County
Extension Office at (870) 584-3013.
Photo: Elizabeth Walker of Horatio is a participant of the 2013-2014 LeadAR class.
Child Care Provider Program
Sevier County offers 3 types of Child Care Provider classes for providers to earn
credit hours through Traveling Arkansas Professional Pathways (TAPP) registry.
(1) Best Care classes are offered annually in a classroom setting held in Nashville,
Arkansas in January and February. Child care providers can receive up to 10 hours
of credit by attending the 4 classes.
(2) Best Care Connected are online classes where you can earn up to 5 hours of credit. To sign up go to
(3) Guiding Children Successfully is offered through DVD's and handouts and are available
at no charge through the County Extension Office. You have an option of earning up
to 30 hours with this method.
Photo: Janet Cantrell, CEA-FCS teaching Best Care classes conducted by Sevier, Howard and
Pike Counties held in Nashville.

4-H Clubs
Sevier County 4-H has 19 adult 4-H volunteer leaders and 115 youth enrolled for FY2014-2015.
October 1 of each year begins the new 4-H year and we are always looking for new members
and volunteers to assist with the 4-H youth program. Being a 4-H volunteer can be
a very rewarding experience. Not only do you help shape children's lives and teach
them life skills but it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you see these kids
overcoming challenges that you had a hand in.
The 4-H program offers youth a variety of skills and competitive opportunities. 4-H'ers
can compete in many events including gun safety, fashion revue, bicycle, illustrated
talks, forestry, livestock judging, and baitcasting & game fish ID. Activities such
as camping, cooking, cake decorating, and gardening among others are offered. If you're
interested in joining 4-H, you may contact Sevier County Extension office at (870)
Join us on Facebook
Photo: 4-H'er, Reese Walker trying her hand at baitcasting at the 2015 Cloverbud/Jr.
Day Camp held at Cossatot Reefs Campground in the Gillham, AR area.
Sevier County Extension Service Interpretive Event
Sevier County Extension Service holds an Interpretive Event each year for the community
leaders to let them know about the resources we provide for local citizens and how
Extension benefits the community. Most programs and information are provided to citizens
free of charge. Some of the programs offered by Sevier County Extension Service are:
soil testing, water testing, pesticide training, 4-H activities, nutrition and health
programs, cooking classes, and fitness classes. We are also involved in community
development programs like the Farmer’s Market, horse rescue team, and Sevier County
If you’re interested in any of the programs provided by Extension, please contact
our office at (870) 584-3013.
Photo: Extension personnel and 4-H and EHC volunteers serving fingerfoods to community
leaders at annual Interpretive Event held at the Sevier County Courthouse.
Mediterranean Cooking Classes
Sevier County Extension Agent-Family and Consumer Sciences (CEA-FCS), Janet Cantrell,
and Eva Langley, CEA-FCS of Pike County conducted two Mediterranean Cooking classes
at the Extension office on the UA Cossatot Campus in De Queen. The hands-on classes
featured recipes from Italy, Spain, France, Morocco, Greece, Lebanon and Egypt. Ninety-nine
percent of the ingredients for the 20 recipes were bought in De Queen. Attendees
finished the evening with a family style meal which is a common practice in the Mediterranean.
Photo: Mediterranean Cooking class participants from left to right: Eva Langley,
CEA-FCS; Rosemary Moore; Jane Stallsworth; Lawana Friend; Pam Dooley; Rachel Dooley;
Dana Stringfellow, CES-Admin. Spec.; and Janet Cantrell, CEA-FCS.